Studying Is your current study method reading a textbook repeatedly, hoping something will stick? If so, do you find...
The Medical Programme -Obesity | Causes and Management DOWNLOAD
Understanding Matric – Part 3
As far as studying is concerned the most important advice is the one your parents and teachers have been telling you...
Understanding Matric – Part 2
Yesterday we focused more on the subjects you will study in Matric. Today, however, we will look at the exams, the...
Understanding Matric – Part 1
As we head into the end of October, the exams are one of the first things on many students and even parent's minds....
Is there a Solution to Poverty? – Part 5
World poverty has been on a steady decrease for years – and that’s great news. As an international community, we’ve...
The Causes of Poverty – Part 4
Today we will continue to look at a few more causes of Poverty. 5. POOR EDUCATION Not every person without an...
The Causes of Poverty – Part 3
Picture it: you need to feed your family, travel to and from work, and get your child school supplies. But you only...
What is Poverty? – Part 2
Poverty, in the simplest sense of the word, is a state where one lacks access to basic needs such as food, clothing...
Day for the Eradication of Poverty – Part 1
International Day for the Eradication of Poverty The observance of the International Day for the Eradication of...
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