Is Isil Gaining or Waning?

June 26, 2015


By Ejaz Khan


Dr Franklin Lamb joined us on Radio Islam this morning, Speaking to Mufti Yusuf Moosagie about the ISIL advance in the region.

When asked about the lack of real Arab or US action against them:


The Arab league is basically impotent, old fashioned.  They just don’t have the ability …and How long would it take to train and setup another force?


Also the Americans said they are making progress… THEY ARE NOT MAKING PROGRESS!


The UN could act, I guess there is some movement, and chapter 7 allows use of force, but It  is not so easy. I think they’ll only pass a resolution.


I don’t think the UN has the capacity to do anything else.


On the challenges of facing an entity like Isis/ISIL :


ISIL Is an idea , how do you fight that ?



On Palmyra’s and Western Obsession with the ruins rather than Syrian Lives :


Every day innocent are dying, so many may ask what is the big deal with these ruins? Well the attraction is that we have  connection with our cultural heritage past

We might not be archaeologist but we have an attachment to history.

Apart of who we are lies in historic sites, so by losing them we lose our history.


Also, before the war, It was the 3rd most lucrative tourism sight in Syria

a terrible loss to let them be destroyed.


ON Israel and how Eretz Israel ( From the Nile to the Euphrates) seems to be falling into place (albeit controlled for now) by an unknown entity:

“Israel is parasitic so they will take advantage of the Isis induced situation in the region.


There is no end in sight. Hard to predict the future, Zionist will be ever watchful


Israel is having their own problems to deal with Public opinion and BDS making grounds>
Geographically, in future there will be reconfiguration.

Iraq is no more.

Syria No more.

Both countries will probably end up with 3 geographical almost nation states that will probably seek UN memnersghip at some point

Also Important to see what the Iranians do, and next week’s agreement on the Nuclear file will be interesting .

ON Iran’s growing influence and ON ISIL growth in Lebanon :

“ISIL gaining momentum in Lebanon but not as rapidly as in Syria and Iraq.

Shia/Sunni conflict , many Sunni’s increasingly feeling Lebanon occupied by Iran through Hezbollah. 
I don’t think Daesh is going to take over but there is so much cynicism  

It could open up another civil war , as Isis would grow and the Shia will not allow it.



This sectarian conflict can go on for decades even.”


Prime Spot!!!


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