Mumtaz Moosa | 11 May 2023 | 17:00 CAT 2 min read The Republic of Albania has scheduled its...
Mumtaz Moosa | 11 May 2023 | 17:00 CAT 2 min read The Republic of Albania has scheduled its...
Mumtaz Moosa | 09:03:2023 | 15:00 PM CAT 1 min read For years the British government had been...
Neelam Rahim | 2-minute read 25 February 2023 | 19:42 CAT Lawyers and law firms were...
Annisa Essack | 7 February 2023 | 14:30 PM CAT 4 min read Once again, Parliament is abuzz with activity as the preparations for the State of the Nation Address are in full swing. President Cyril Ramaphosa will deliver his seventh Opening of...
Neelam Rahim / 2 min read 29 January 2023 / 21:22 pm CAT An annual survey conducted for the South African Institute of Race Relations shows that ordinary South Africans do not care about the skin colour of political leaders – only that they are...
Muhammad Bham 4min read In April, archeologists working in the ancient Assyrian city of Nineveh which had been destroyed by ISIS, uncovered a pulse-quickening discovery—a sealed gateway unknown in any previous excavations or surveys of the site....
Neelam Rahim | 3 min read | 13:30 pm CAT The term “voter apathy” has become part of common political discourse and is often used to give the impression of voters who do not vote due to political ignorance or carelessness. The Rivonia Circle’s...
Neelam Rahim | 2 min read | 14:15 pm CAT President Vladimir Putin may meet Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan this week to discuss a Turkish proposal to host talks between Russia and the West on Ukraine. Dr Ivan Starodubtsev, one of the leading...
By Abu Muhammad Yesterday, hundreds of people gathered in Marikana to commemorate the 44 people who died ten years ago when a mine strike turned violent. Today is forty years since the assassination of apartheid activist and journalist Ruth First who was killed by a...
Umamah Bakharia South Africans have recently been facing tough times – with economic turmoil, increased crime, inequality and/or racism. In between fuel and inflation hikes, there was an escalation in protest action in the trucking industry, where in some cases entry...
By Neelam Rahim An Iranian satellite launched by Russia blasted off Kazakhstan early on Tuesday. It went into orbit amid controversy that Moscow might use it to improve its surveillance of military targets in Ukraine. Radio Islam International is joined in discussion...
Ten years ago, the country and the world were stunned when a wage strike in Marikana turned deadly, leading to the worst massacre in democratic South Africa. Thirty-four striking mineworkers were shot dead by police on 16 August 2012. Radio Islam spoke to Tony Healy,...