Poetry Articles

Life’s Lesson

Allah sent us an Angel in disguiseHe came bringing joy, leaving only memories behindOur hearts were left broken when...

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The Animal Kingdom

Some animals make their homes in trees so do some insects and buzzing honey bees. Others burrow away in the earth so...

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The Winning Poem

 Millions in the east and millions in the west know him,And you do not know Muhammed (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa...

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Oh! Jannah how beautiful you areSo full of splendourNo thought can ever surrender Oh! Jannah how beautiful you...

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No Man Dear to Me

 By Moeghsien MohamedThere is no man more dear to me,Throughout the whole of history,There’s been no man...

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Beautiful Tears

 by Amani AnsariMohammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) weeped for us.The whole world full of tears.Tears running...

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