Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum was a cousin of Khadijah bint Khuwaylid RA. His father was Qays ibn Za'id and his mother was...
Personalities Articles
(1099-1166 AD) Abu Abdallah Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Abdallah Ibn Idris al-Qurtubi al-Hasani, was bom in Ceuta,...
An-Numan Ibn Muqarrin RA
The tribe of Muzaynah had their habitations some distance from Yathrib on the caravan route which linked the city to...
Anas bin Maalik RA
(10 Before Hijrah - 93 AH After Hijrah)The complete name of this companion of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) is Abu...
Omar Al-Khayyam
(1044-1123 AD) Ghiyath al-Din Abul Fateh Omar Ibn Ibrahim al-Khayyam was born at Nishapur, the provincial capital of...
Abdullah Ibn Salaam RA
Al-Husayn ibn Salaam was a Jewish rabbi in Yathrib who was widely respected and honoured by the people of the city...
Abdu’l-Qadir al-Jilani RA
Abdu'l-Qadir al-Jilani is one of those scholars and geniuses who came to this earth to give light to humanity and...
Ribah Qaysi’s Wife
Leading Ladies: who made a difference in the lives of others She was known for spending much of the night in prayer....
Abu Abdullah al-Battani
Abu Abdallah Muhammad Ibn Jabir Ibn Sinan al-Battani al-Harrani was born around 858 CE in Harran, and according to...
Nufaysah Bint Hasan RA
LEADING LADIES (d. 208 AH) Known for her commitment to Islam, she would frequently fast, and it is reported that...
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