Library Articles

The Aviary

A large aviary had many different species of birds. The owner created a hole at the bottom of the aviary to allow the...

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I want to live in a land without borders. I want to live in a land without hoarders. I want to live where there is no...

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New era

Humanity has gone through every age, Stone age, Iron age, bronze age, and space age. We are now in a new era called...

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Spring In the air

Strong winds blow, sweeping the fallen golden leaves. The farmer, expecting rain, spring is a sure sign he believes....

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IRS Audits Grandpa

The IRS decides to audit Grandpa and summons him to the IRS office. The IRS auditor was not surprised when Grandpa...

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Village of my dreams

The road is so smooth and white. I run bare feet on such a smooth surface. I take a picture of the tranquil and serene...

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Zionist in my Home

The bombs continue falling My heart knows no peace, My husband has certainly become The cause of my Dis-ease. You have...

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