The Speaker of the National Assembly has told Radio Islam, there’s no formal communication from former President Jacob...
Library Articles
In Full: President Cyril Ramaphosa’s #SONA2020
It is 30 years since Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela walked out of the gates of Victor Verster Prison, a moment in our...
Guidance in that Which is Most Right
By Sh Saalih Aalus-Sheikh - Imaam of Haram Servants of Allah, Allah says which translates as: "Verily this Qur'an,...
Benefits of belief in Divine Decree and Pre-Destiny
Sh Abdullaah Al-Qaseer ----------------------- O People! Fear Allah SWT and perform righteous deeds which Allah loves...
Jamal Uddin Afghani
During the last thirteen centuries, whenever the world of Islam was plunged in the darkness of decadence, an...
Competing for the Hereafter
by Sh 'Abdul-Bârî ibn ‘Awad ath-Thubaytî - Imaam Haram Madina All praise is due to Almighty Allaah. I testify that...
Shaikh Muslihudin Sadi
"Those who rest not their hopes on their meeting with Us and are pleased and satisfied with the life of this world are...
The Muslim Home
By Sh Abdul Baari Ath-Thubayti - Imaam of Haram Marriage fulfils the dearest wish for every young man and young woman...
Elements of Allah’s protection
by Imam al-Haram Husayn ibn 'Abdul 'Aziz Aal Sheikh All praise is due to Allah, Lord of all the worlds. May peace...
Seeking Forgiveness
By Sh Umar As-Subayyil - Imaam of HaramThe situation of the best amongst the pious and guided people is that when...
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