Shaykh Usaamah Al-Khayyaat All praise is due to Allaah, Lord of all worlds. May Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon...
Friday Khutbahs (Sermons) Articles
Signs in the Universe
By Sh Muhammad Al ‘Uthaimien - Imaam of HaramPraise be to Allaah, the King, the very Truth that makes all things...
Benefits of belief in Divine Decree and Pre-Destiny
Sh Abdullaah Al-Qaseer-----------------------O People! Fear Allah SWT and perform righteous deeds which Allah loves...
The Blessing of Security
by Imâm al-Madîna al-Munawarrah 'Alî Abd-ur-Rahmân al-HudhaifîAll praise is due to Allah, Lord of all the worlds. May...
Goals of Sharee’ah
By Shaykh Husayn Al Ash-Shaykh - Imaam HaramAll praise is due to Allaah, Lord of all the worlds. Peace and blessings...
Kindness to Parents
By Muhammad As Sa’wie - Imaam of HaramPraise be to Allaah, Who enjoined upon us kindness to parents and to address...
Beware of Backbiting and Gossiping
by Imâm al-Madîna al-Munawarrah 'Alî Abd-ur-Rahmân al-HudhaifîAll praise is due to Allah. May peace and blessings be...
The Obligation of Adhering to the Sunnah
by Shaykh Alee bin Abdur Rahman Al Hudhayfee [Imaam Haram]All praise is due to Allaah, Lord of all the worlds. Peace...
Devil Worshipers
By Hishaam Barghash, Imaam HaramThere is no doubt that the majority of us have read or heard what is being said in the...
Knowledge and Learning
by Imâm al-Haram Husayn ibn 'Abdul 'Azîz Aal SheikhAll praise is due to Allah, Lord of all the worlds. May peace and...
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