November 03, 2007





EID AL-FITR is celebrated on the first day of Shawwaal, at the completion of the marathon of Ramadan. Shawwaal (the 10th month of the Islamic calendar) is indeed a joyous day: it is a true Thanksgiving Day for the believing men and women. On this day Muslims show their real joy for the health, strength and the opportunities of life, which Allah has given to them to fulfill their obligation of fasting and other good deeds during the blessed month of Ramadaan.


Sayyadina Anas (RA) reported that when the Prophet Muhammad (saw) migrated from Makkah to Madinah, the people of Madinah used to have two festivals. On those two days they observed carnivals and festivity. The Prophet Muhammad (saw) asked the Ansaar (the Muslims of Madinah) about it. They replied that before Islam they used to have carnivals on those two joyous days. The Prophet Muhammad (saw) told them: ‘Instead of those two days, Allah has appointed two other days which are better, the days of Eid-al-Fitr and Eid-al-Adha.’ Thus, the day of Eid is indeed a day of celebration.  



Sadaqat ul-fitr is an obligation for every Muslim, male or female, who possesses the nisaab of zakaah (about R2200). Every person who owns such an amount has to pay Sadaqat-ul-fitr, not only on behalf of himself but also on behalf of his minor children. The purpose is to provide means to poort Muslims to also celebrate Eid and also to cover up any deficiencies that one may have incurred whilst fasting. 


1. Sadaqat ul-fitr is obligated on each adult male or female separately, and the relevant adult person himself is responsible to pay it. The husband is not required to pay Sadaqat ul-fitr on behalf of his wife nor is the wife supposed to pay it on behalf of her husband. Similarly, a father is not bound to pay Sadaqat ul-fitr on behalf of his adult children or vice-versa. However, if the head of the family, by his own free will, wishes to pay Sadaqat ul-fitr for each one of the members of his family, he should seek their authorization for that purpose. In this case the Sadaqat ul-fitr paid by him will be valid on their behalf.

2. It is a Sunnah that the Sadaqat-ul-fitr is paid before performing the ‘Eid prayer. However, it is not advisable to delay it up to the performance of Eid prayer. If a person has failed to pay on its proper time, he should pay it as soon as possible, whereby the obligation will stand discharged.

3. Sadaqat ul-fitr should be paid only to a person  who is entitled to receive Zakah.



Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said: “The heart of the person who remains awake (in Ibadat) during the night of Eidul Fitr and Eidul Adhaa will not die on the Day when hearts will be dead, i.e. the Day of Qiyaamah.” (TIBRANI)


The nights of both Eids, i.e. the nights preceding the Days of Eid, are auspicious occasions, like a mini-Lailatul Qadr, which should be observed with reverence and worship. Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said that these nights appear at a time when Ramadaan is over when Allah is preparing our gifts for us and are great occasions of gaining the special Mercy of Allah Ta’ala. These holy nights, should therefore not be allowed to pass by in idleness. Especially for ladies who are busy cooking up a storm in the kitchen and doing last-minute shopping, they should try to spare some time for ‘ibaadat.  Men should not sit up indulging in senseless talking and feasting all night. Istighfaar (seeking forgiveness for sins), Tilaawat (reciting the Quran), Nafl Salaat, Durood, etc. should be profusely offered on these holy nights.



1. Wake up early and offer the Salaatul Fajr in congregation.

2. Take a Ghusl (bath) after Fajr and make sure that one is as clean and neat as possible.
3. Brush your teeth using a miswaak and make sure that all hairs below the armpit and below the naval is clipped.
4. Dress up, putting on your best clothes available, whether new or the best of your old ones.
5. Use perfume (men only- non-alchoholic).
6. Have something light to eat before Eid al-Fitr, preferably something sweet (such as dates) and proceed early to the Eidgah.

7. Pay your Sadaqat al-Fitr before the Eid Salaat.
8. Offer Salaat al-Eid in congregation in an open ground, except when weather does not permit.
9.To choose a separate route when going and returning from the Eid Gah. Also, to walk to the Eid Gah. However, there is no harm in using any means of conveyance if the Eid Gah is a distance away.

10. Recite the following Takbir on the way to Salaat al-Eid softly until the beginning of the Salaat: “Allaho-Akber, Allaho-Akber. La ila-ha ill-lal-lah. Allaho-Akber, Allaho-Akber. Wa-lilahill hamd. (Allah is greater. Allah is greater. There is no god but Allah. Allah is greater. Allah is greater. And all praises are for Allah).



Please do remember that there is adhaan and iqaamah for Eid salaat. If you wait for adhan, you will arrive in time for zohr salaat!


Salaat al-Eid is wajib (obligatory) on males and it consists of two rakaats (units) with six additional takbirs. It must be offered in congregation. The Salaat is followed by the Arabic Khutbah. Do note that the Khutbah is part of the salaat itself and listening to it is also wajib.


The Eid Salaat (Eid-ul-Fitr) is performed on the 1st day of Shawaal. It consists of two Rakaats and two Khutbas, and is very much like the Jummu’ah Salaat with a few variations. During Juma Salaat the Khutba precedes the two Rakaats and on Eid day it is in reverse. First comes the two Rakaats of prayer and then the two Khutbas. On the best authority of the Hanafi Imams (R.A.), there are six additional Takbeers (Allah-u-Akbar) for the Eid Salaats. 3 Takbeers in the first Rakaat and 3 Takbeers in the second Rakaat.


FIRST RAKAAT: After everybody has made ‘Niyyat’ the Imam recites the ‘Takbeer-E-Tahreema’, (Allah-u-Akbar) and starts the Eid Salaat. Everybody raise their hands to their earlobes and folds them under their navel. Then the imam recites three Takbeers one after the other with brief intervals. (Allah-u-Akbar). We raise our hands and drop them to our sides after the 1st and 2nd Takbeers and after the 3rd Takbeer we place our hands below our navel. The Imam then recites the Surah Fatiha and follows it with any passage from the Qur’an. We then proceed into Ruku and Sajdahs and return for the second Rakaat.


SECOND RAKAAT: The Imam recites the Surah Fatiha and a passage from the Qur’an and is now ready for the Ruku. At this stage just before going into the Ruku, he recites the remaining 3 Takbeers with brief intervals. We drop our hands each time to our sides. When the Imam recites the 4th Takbeer, we go into Ruku. After the Thashahhud and Salaam, remain seated and wait for the Imam to deliver the two Khutbahs.


THE KHUTBAH FORMULA: After the two Rakaats, the Imam rises to deliver his Khutba. It is Sunnah for the Imam to start his first Khutba with 9 Takbeers and the second with 7 Takbeers. He reminds the Muslims of their duties towards Allah, towards themselves and their fellow – men.


Eid is a day of happiness and joy. This cannot be fully appreciated if animosity, hatred, old grudges and bygones are left to remain in our hearts.




After fasting for one month, follow it up with six more and you will be rewarded for having fasted the whole year!


Our Noble Prophet (Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam) has said: “Whoever completes fasts of Ramadan then adds to them the fast of six days in the month of Shawwal, it will carry the reward of fasting for the whole year. (Sahih Muslim)


It is preferable to start these fasts from the 2nd of Shawwal and keep fasting up to the 7th of it. However, if, they are kept in other days of the month, it will suffice. Like how we eased into Ramadaan by fasting in the month of Sha’ban, let us ease out of it by fasting in the month of Shawwal. Let us not immediately start eating like we were starved for a whole month and thereby give the impression that Ramadaan was a burden for us.

Maulana Khalid Dhorat



Prime Spot!!!


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