Make Almighty Allah Your Beloved And Become Beloved To Him – Mufti Yusuf Moosagie

July 11, 2022

Love is by far the most beautiful human emotion.

The love of Almighty Allah is the foundation of Islam.

With its perfection, your Islam is perfected. And when there is a deficiency in it, there is a deficiency in your Imaan.

Nabi Ebrahim Alaihi Salaam had an intense love for Almighty Allah.

He was willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of Almighty Allah.

He is the epitome of a love of Almighty Allah.

On this day of Eid, when we are making our sacrifices – let us remember our father Sayyidinna Ebrahim A.S. and his sacrifices.

Click the link to listen to the full lecture by Mufti Yusuf Moosagie

This lecture was delivered at the Eid Mussallah in Malabar Port Elizabeth




Prime Spot!!!


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