Crises In Egypt – Alternative Perspective with Shk Samih

July 11, 2013


Thursday 20130711 – Radio Islam’s Presenter Shk Samih Jad Al Khattary gave a brief analysis on the current crises in Egypt.  Shk Samih is a member of Egypt’s Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) or ?izb Al-?urriya Wal 'Adala.

Taking us back to the Revolution of 2011, Shk Samih described what was a diverse movement of demonstrations and strikes from millions of protesters from a variety of socio-economic and religious backgrounds who demanded the step-down of President Hosni Mubarak.  Grievances of Egyptians were focused on social and political issues including police brutality, lack of free elections and freedom of speech, corruption, etc.  On 2 June 2012, Mubarak was found guilty of complicity in the murders of the protestors and sentenced to life imprisonment, but this sentence was later overturned on appeal.   On 30 June, Mohammed Morsi became Egypt's first freely elected president voted by the people of Egypt.

Ever since, as Shk Samih explained, the Military conspired with secular Opposition parties and incited the masses against President Morsi, being responsible for over 6000 anti-Morsi demonstrations just in the first year of presidency. On 3 July 2013 President Morsi was deposed in a military coup, a strange and stupefying occurrence for a Military to enter the political arena to remove a democratically elected president.

Shk Samih, when asked what kind of support Morsi has, responded that the way to measure public support is through the man-made system, the ballot box.  Majority of Egyptians voted for Morsi. Also, six months ago Egypt held a referendum in which 65% of the electorate voted `Yes’ for Morsi to continue as president for another 4 years.  Morsi inherited 60 years of corruption and problems and was not given a fair chance.

Unfortunately, the Islamic current or pro-Morsi plight does not have a strong media influence as the Opposition has, hence their voice is much louder.  Not often would you hear any in mainstream media that President Morsi opened the Egypt-Gaza border for 6 days a week. Now it is closed indefinitely by the Military, worsening the plight of the people of Gaza.  Syrians were also allowed refuge in Egypt without visa requirements.  Now, under Military rule, people of Syria are not allowed in unless possessing visas issued by the Bashar Government, which will never be granted.  Morsi’s Government promoted religious freedom too.  Now, in conformance with Mubarak’s autocracy,  the Niqab or face-veil, the beard and other explicit symbols of Islam is strictly prohibited.  Incidences of murder, torture and illegal incarceration by the police and thugs hired by the police, were common during Mubarak’s reign. This has now become a regular and rising practise.

Since the military coup, over 600 people were jailed for no crime except being pro-Morsi supporters. On the July 8th, 86 people were martyred whilst performing Fajr Salaah.  To date, the whereabouts and condition of Morsi, his wife and children and his staff is unknown, blatant human rights violations.

Currently, there is pro-Morsi demonstrations taking place worldwide and would not cease, as Shk Samih asserted, until the democratically elected president is reinstated.  Shk Samih urged the South African Government not to support this military dictatorship and requests for Duas that Almighty Allah sends Help to the Truth and safely return Morsi to his rightful place; President of Egypt. 






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