Sulaiman Moola:Islam flourishing in Australia

July 08, 2015

By Ejaz Khan


This morning Radio Islam’s Yusuf Moosagie spoke to ML Sulaiman Moola, who is on tour in Australia currently. We asked him about his experiences of Ramadaan in Australia.

In terms of the fasting conditions and length:


“Alhamdulillah, in terms of the fast, it is short, easy and simple.

We are back now in Brisbane, which is very much coastal, weather is Durban like… We spent 2 days in Melbourne, which was a reminder of our chilly weather in Jo’burg.

Melbourne is very cold, chilly, London- like weather, multiple seasons in one day.

Suhoor ends 6:02 AM… iftaar 17:15 PM…One of the shortest fasts in the world!

Locals said that it is possibly respite for when they have had the long fasts at the other end of the spectrum.”


 On His relationship with Australia and Brisbane in particular:


 “My relationship with Brisbane goes back a good few years, this is my 7th or 8th visit to Brisbane… goes back to 1993, I was still a student … when we came for Ramadaan and I led Taraweeh here…
Cassim Makda our host is based in Brisbane so our programme is based mostly here ,and we allocated 2 days  for Melbourne

In 1993/94..when we offered taraweeh prayers in a the simple structure, And I asked the locals community to at least read Esha prayers at the premises.

Today it is a fully fledged Masjid, with a Madrasah, Alhamdulillah.

 The fast is short ,Esha Salaah is relatively early, so we could have lots of extensive talks afterwards.

I have been speaking an average of plus minus an hour daily .

 Australia by and large in its entirety is very cosmopolitan in terms of diverse communities and people, Multicultural-  . 
But people  are really taking to Islam in Australia.

 We met an Imam who is leading the Taraweeh Salaah, a Burmese refugee, he was leading the Taraweeh Salaah, subhanallah.

We went to Gold coast also, that rings a bell for many of Radio Islam Listeners , our ML Imraan Nabi who was based in Lenasia and Imam of Nurul Islam Masjid is now based there.

 Islam is really flourishing… Many, many people are reverting to Islam.

ABC Channel were doing reporting at different locations and captured some footage and recording , appreciating and understanding Ramadaan…Top initiative.”


 On Islamic infrastructure in South Africa as a role model to the land down under:


 People here look to SA and take us as an inspiration and motivation in terms of all probably all  fronts,whether makaatib, ulama insttiutions, our Radios, Tablighi efforts 
So People by in large take direction from South Africa

there is that sense of envy We have to credit that grace to Allah, the pioneers, seniors and veterans that did the initial hard work and today we continue to reap the fruit.


On his tour of Melbourne some observations on challenges facing the youth:


 The scourge of Drugs, is really bad and has ‘paralysed’ and shocked the Muslim community.

Horrific and horrendous stories of youth that have went down this road.  You’ll see the odd tattoo here and there but remorse is also there…

One lady used to spend $3000 a day on her habit..and how did she maintain such an expensive bad habit? Fraud…so it’s a Vicious cycle..

When you speak to the Youth who have come out of that darkness , they want us to keep speaking.


People have travelled far and wide to hear ML Sulaimaan Moola speak:


 “A whole group of youth had come from Adelaide, Many of them especially for the programme…a Good 700 km’s!

It was nice interacting with them.

Also, as I had tweeted, a car of youngsters, absolutely & exclusively, drove 900 km’s all the way from Sydney to Melbourne for the programme.
We need to value and appreciate the Deeni infrastructure that we have back home.

We don’t realize and appreciate that ease…We must Keep our children connected to reputable makaatib, this is something  that will ground them in their faith for life.”


In a short period of time, he travelled to France Canada, and now Australia , and Muft Moosagie asked him what  his motivation was:


 We ask Allah to accept, Yes it does take a toll  on us.

My little daughter keeps saying ‘Abba, you come, and you leave, you come, and you leave’…may Allah reward our parents and our family.

One of the challenges for me with extensive travelling is the Jet lag aspect that really does take its toll too.

‘Someone said to me sheikh you travelling so much one of the days you will have to  read Qasr salaah at Home !’

But on the Motivation , while travelling …We Get a phone call, a brother who is waiting for you for 2-3 hours…He just wants to meet you for a moment. Subhanallah, I’m exhausted but this brother has come.

And I  meet this brother and he says to me:‘Sheikh you won’t believe this, I listen to you every single day and I watch you,

3 days ago there was an argument at home and I told my mum if there is any person I want direction from , you know, referring to my humble self,

And my mum said to me: But when will you ever meet , you talk of him but you’ll never meet him .And I said you never know maybe Allah will bring him to Melbourne
I had no inkling of an idea that you were around!’

 Subhanallah! Allah sends you these reminders to just give you some sort of glad tidings.

 Like the sahabi said: We Pray to please Allah , sometimes while we praying with the motivation to praise Allah , someone acknowledges you

Someone in this world acknowledges your efforts, We like that motivation, but we don’t strive for it. The Prophet SAW said: This is instant glad tidings for the believer in this world.

 May Allah reward our hosts, wherever we go they go out of their way for us.

 You see other people and see their sacrifices and then you realize that deen is great and wholesome and everyone is making their contribution.

 Ultimately, Allah knows, and it is only Allah that would accept and Allah that  will reward.

 Jazakallah to  you and the Radio Islam team, May Allah reward you and the Radio Station and continue to bless you and our infrastructure  and continue to take you from strength to strength”






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