Benin there, done that:  Ramadaan in Benin

June 26, 2015


By Ejaz Khan


Zunaid Hoosen spoke to Yusuf Moosagie Live from Benin on Radio Islam this morning . Benin, on the western edge of Africa ,is bordered by Nigeria and Togo on the west and the east.
Zunaid and is wife are in the country soaking up the Ramadaan atmosphere and culture, (Minus the voodoo, we hope)


On How they ended up there:


“We’ve been living for over a year now.

We’ve actual spent Eidul adha here so we’ve been here while. My company transferred out here.”


What are the fasting times in Benin?


“Fasting time in Benin is slightly longer than South Africa

It’s the wet season currently which t is considered summer , suhoor ends at 5 am and iftaar is at 19:10 PM”


On What Makes Ramadaan in Benin Unique:


Benin itself is a unique country. The birthplace of Voodoo.

It is the only country that recognizes Voodoo as a religion.

Christianity and Islam are the other major religions.

During Ramadaan, you can’t differentiate between Muslims Christians, Muslims, or Voodoers,everyone seems to be partaking of the Ramdaan spirit!



On Muslim Places of Worship:


“With Benin being a very under developed country ,both in infrastructure and economy, We have lots of musallahs, so Every second or 3rdstreet cortner you will find these small musallahs with 3 or 4 musalleees

At All salaah times.


About the People of Benin:


“People are extremely friendly, they are very open, to people of any background.

Humble, lots of poverty but that doesn’t create barriers between tourist and locals.

The only barrier is the language . Benin’s official language is French.”


On Madrassahs and the Maktab system:


“Here in Cottonou, Zongo , a predominantly Muslim area, has a Masjid and madressah, locals come there for Islamic studies.

Cottonou is on the south of the country. In the areas closer to Nigeria, there are Islamic universities, some of which are sponsored by the Libyan Government .”


On Freedom of Movement :


“West Africa is diverse, one reason is because it is part of the Ecowas community


Similar to EU , there is free entry between borders.


Mostly Senegalese, Nigerian and Malians but also other foreigners in Benin.”


On Size dimensions:

“It is a 15 minute drive  from end to end through the CBD.

But it has many Foreign embassies. “


On what makes it famous, natural resource-wise :


“Benin’s natural resource is Cotton production, it Represents 80% of the GDP.


Economy still based on subsistence farming.

Benin is very reliant on Nigeria regards imports and exports.

Of the 8 000 km’s of road in Benin, only 1000 is Tarred.”


R10  gets you 600 francs, what can you buy with that in Benin?

“Not much, things are very expensive.”


Message to family?


“Peaceful Ramadaan, blessed Ramadaan, we pray Allah accepts all the sacrifices and insha Allah we will see our families in time for Eid.”

Ejaz  Khan is International Content Producer for Radio Islam International
Follow or interact with him on: @ejaz_k


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