Your Dua, His Moments of Acceptance

September 06, 2010
The Princess of Muhadditheen and the mother of the Believers, Ayesah Siddeeqa (Radihiyallahu anha) narrates that when the month of Ramadaan would enter Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) would increase his Salaah, his complexion would change, and he became more fervent in Dua. (Bayhaqi)

This condition of his would undergo even further transformation upon the entry of the last ten days of the great month, a period which we are currently enjoying. It therefore, behoves us as followers of this Illustrious Rasool (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) to assimilate within ourselves at least a semblance of this fervour, devotion, and commitment to Allah during this holy period.

Dua is an act that one cannot do enough of. No ibadat is complete without Dua, and no Muslim can do without it, yet the Ummat has shown surprising indifference to this forte of Ieman. A cursory survey of the Ummat’s condition at this stage of our history will reveal the true extent of our spiritual and mundane woes. The problems we face are complex, complicated, and seemingly insurmountable. Our marriages are under severe strain, domestic lives are cast into disarray, financial circumstances have become straitened, physical well-being is always threatened by debilitating illnesses, and worse still, the enemies of Islam have joined ranks in a physical and spiritual onslaught against the Ummat world-wide. Any nation would normally capitulate under such austere conditions, but Almighty Allah has given Muslims special spiritual resilience to withstand all the elements of adversity.

While we have experimented with many formulas in an attempt to resolve these and numerous other problems, the cause of failure can partially be attributed to lack of sufficient Dua. No doubt, we are making Dua, but it appears that our Dua has no spark, fervour, or zeal. It must be acknowledged that Dua alone cannot solve certain issues and people affected will have to resort to Shar’ee solutions, but let’s not lose sight of the fact that Dua has that catalytic effect to convert our efforts into successful solutions.

Furthermore, when one has exhausted all avenues in arriving at a solution or in resolving an issue without success, the last recourse is Dua. It is this aspect of Islam which we wish to address in this article.

MONTH OF Dua: There are sure to be many complex and unsolvable issues that we have almost given up hope on. Well. Ramadaan is the month of Dua; the month when the acceptance of Duas is guaranteed by Allah Azza Wa Jall. When all else has failed, let us utilize this opportunity to turn to Our Rabb in earnest. When all our efforts have reached a dead end, it is time we allowed the element of Dua to prevail. Stretch out that begging bowl before your Creator with a passion that has never been witnessed before. Submit to Allah The Majestic in total humility, admit to Him our failure and weakness, and acknowledge that having reached the end of our tether, we now revert to Him for the alleviation of our difficulties.

This is the actual and factual position of our lives at this juncture. It is our conviction beyond all shadow of doubt that none can alleviate hardship but Allah The Supreme. Confess to Allah: Oh Our Rabb! We have given up all hope of successfully resolving the huge problems that plague us! We are at our wits end! We now petition you, O Almighty Rabb to provide succour, help, and Divine Aid in resolving the complexities of our troubled lives!

Before proceeding with a dissertation on the reality of Dua, we need to take cognizance of a most important requisite for the acceptance of Dua, and that is the earning of Halaal sustenance in whichever form. One who indulges in eating and dressing that were acquired from unlawful or Haraam sources can forget about his or her Dua accepted. This is proven from the following Hadith of Saheeh Muslim:

Abu Hureira (radhiyallahu anhu) reports that Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) said: O People! Verily Allah is Pure and only accepts that which is pure. And verily Allah has commanded the Believers with that which He commanded the Messengers; He says (to the Messengers): "O Messengers! Eat from pure, wholesome foods and perform righteous deeds." (Surah Muminoon) And He says (to the Believers): O Believers! Eat from the pure, wholesome foods that We have provided for you. (Surah Baqara, verse ). Then Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) mentioned a man who travelled a far distance, was dishevelled, weary and tired. He then stretches out his hand to Allah in Dua, and exclaims: "O My Lord! O My Lord!"

Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) says: "But his food is from Haraam sources, his drink is from Haraam, and his clothes are from Haraam, so how can his Dua be accepted? Many great Auliyaa of the past have identified this as one of the major reasons why peoples Duas are not accepted. For the record let it be said that there are two types of Haraam: one is Haraam in the item itself, the other is a Haraam that is due to some external factor.

Examples of the first are wine, pork, and animals that have not been slaughtered according to Shariah, or any food items that contains one of the above. Example of the second is source such as stealing, fraud, gambling, usury, etc. From the Ahadeeth of our Beloved Master we learn a number of important guidelines when making Dua. It is imperative that we adhere to these principles to ensure acceptance of our Duas.

1. When asking from Allah, we need to be convinced of His Ability to grant our request.

2. One should not ask for anything that is sinful or Haraam, such as breaking of family ties, or asking Allah to destroy a Muslim who happens to be one’s enemy.

3. One should not become impatient if there is a delay in the answering of one’s Dua.

4. To be convinced that a Dua is answered in one of four ways:

a) Allah Ta’ala either grants exactly what we ask for;
b) Or He grants us something else in place of our request;
c) Or He wards of some calamity because of that Dua;
d) Or He stores that Dua for us in the Hereafter.

5. One should be firm and demanding from Allah, but with humility and in a begging way.

6. If one has committed a sin, then first repent from that sin, then place your request before Allah Azza Wa Jall. Hence it should be a standard practice to make Istighfaar before a Dua.

7. Begin the Dua with praising Allah Ta’ala and Durood (Reciting Salwaat upon Our Beloved Master. End the Dua also with Salawaat.

MOMENTS OF ACCEPTANCE: This brings us to the most important aspect of this article: the precious moments when Duas are accepted. There is no greater time for Dua than the blessed days and nights of Ramadaan.

In a Hadith narrated by Imam Bayhaqi, Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) is reported to have said: "The sleep of a fasting person is Ibadah, his silence is Tasbeeh, his deeds are multiplied in reward, his sins are forgiven, and his Dua is accepted."

This proves that at any given time of the day or night, when a fasting person raises his hands to Allah, that Dua does not fall on deaf ears. Then there is the time of Iftaar, another moment of guaranteed acceptance from Allah Azza Wa Jall. The time of Tahajjud, just before Sehri has always been the choice of saintly people for their Duas. When the brothers of Nabi Yusuf (alayhis salaam) confessed to their wrongdoing and requested their father Nabi Ya’qoob (alayhis salaam) to seek forgiveness on their behalf, he (Ya’qoob AS) responded: "I shall soon ask My Rabb for your forgiveness; Undoubtedly He is Oft Forgiving and Merciful." (Surah Yusuf, verse 98)

In the Tafseer of this verse it is written that the time Ya’qoob (alayhis-salaam) referred to in his promise was the latter part of the night, i.e. Tahajjud time. Numerous ahadeeth mention the efficacy of Dua after the faradh Salaah. This is another time when Duas are readily accepted. Some Auliyaa mentioned that when a Muslim is going through a difficult period in life, such as sadness, depression, stress, loss of life or property or any situation of grief or hardship, then his Duas are also quickly accepted by Allah. They deduce this from a Hadith-e-qudsee, where Allah Ta’ala speaks to the Ummat. It says: I am by those whose hearts are broken. (Mishkatul-Masabih)

Let us get into the habit of Dua with fervour, zeal, enthusiasm, conviction, imploring and begging from Allah The Most High.



Prime Spot!!!


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