simple question, different answers
1. POLICEMAN: Give me ten minutes with the chicken and I'll know why.
2. ARISTOTLE: It is the nature of chickens to cross roads.
3. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR: I envision a world where all chickens will be free to cross roads without having their motives being called into question.
4. GEORGE W. BUSH: We don't really care why the chicken crossed the road. We just want to know if the chicken is on our side or not. The chicken is either with us or against us. There is no middle ground here.
5. NELSON MANDELA: Never again, will the chicken be questioned for crossing the road. This is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.
6. TITO MBOWENI: We need a tollgate there, and charge these chickens when they cross the road… by the way, that chicken will cost R5 more from next Wednesday…
7. KINDERGARTEN TEACHER: To get to the other side.