I read every diet I can get my hands on. I even follow their suggestions. But eventually, inevitably, I always get fat again. Now, at last, I’ve found The Answer. After living for almost 14 years with a man who never gains an ounce no matter what I serve him, I’ve found out what it is that keeps him thin: He thinks differently. The real difference between fat and thin people is that thin people:
> split a large combination pizza with three friends;
> nibble cashews one at a time;
> read books they have to hold with both hands;
> fill the candy dish on their desks with paper clips;
> counteract the midafternoon slump with a nap instead of a cinnamon Danish;
> think it’s too much trouble to stop at a special store just to buy chocolate;
> try all the salads at the buffet, leaving room for only one dessert;
> find iced tea more refreshing than an ice-cream soda;
> think banana splits are for kids.