What if the #LasVegasShooter was bearded?

October 03, 2017

Yusuf Omar – Opinion | 3 October 2017

Since the tragic shooting that took place in Las Vegas, I have come across a lot of articles, reports and opinion pieces. While reading, I couldn’t help but notice the wording of these articles. One article in particular that I found on mainstream media was a background report of the attacker, Stephen Paddock. I compared it to the pieces written when the attacker is allegedly Muslim. The difference was uncanny. So I decided to take this article and convert it. Almost a predication of how the article would have looked if the attacker was allegedly a Muslim.  I terror-scribed this article piece by piece (yes, I made up that word). The original article is in italics, the terror-scribed version is in bold.

 Las Vegas – Before he opened fire late Sunday – killing at least 50 people at a country music festival on the Las Vegas Strip – the gunman Stephen Paddock lived a quiet life for years in a small town outside Las Vegas.

Las Vegas – Before he opened fire which led to the deadliest mass shooting in US history late Sunday – killing at least 50 people and injuring more than 500 at a country music festival on the Las Vegas Strip – the gunman Stephen Paddock lived a quiet but secret life for years in a small town outside Las Vegas.

A retired man, Paddock often visited Las Vegas to gamble and take in concerts, his relatives said. Public records show he was a licensed pilot, who owned two planes. And he had a hunting license from Alaska.

A retired man, Paddock often visited Las Vegas to gamble and take in concerts, his relatives said. With a recent spiral in fighter jets coming from within ISIS, public records show he was a licensed pilot, who owned two planes. He also had a hunting license from Alaska. Investigators are still puzzled as to the reason why a retired man will own two planes and possess a hunting license.

For several years, he appeared to live in Mesquite, Texas. But property records show he chose to move to another town named Mesquite in Nevada, where he bought a home in 2013 and has been living there ever since.

For several years, he appeared to live in Mesquite, Texas. But property records show he chose to move to another town named Mesquite in Nevada, where he bought a home in 2013, around the time of the Boston Marathon bombing, and has been living there in secret ever since.

Paddock’s family said there was nothing in his past that would suggest violence.

Paddock’s family said there was nothing in his past that would suggest violence however since his move to Nevada four years ago, they hardly kept in contact with him and were not aware of who he associated with.

After the shooting, Paddock was found dead by officers on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino, Police said during a news briefing. Paddock was 64.

After the shooting, Paddock was found dead by officers on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino. It is believed that Paddock, 64, ended his life as police were about to gain entry into the room.

Police believe Paddock, a local resident, was a “lone wolf” attacker. No further details were given, however, on Paddock’s background or possible motivation.

Police believe Paddock, a devout Muslim, could be part of a larger organisation. An investigation revealed that he appeared to “have leanings towards” a radical Islamist ideology.

“We have no idea what his belief system was,” Police said. “Right now, we believe he was the sole aggressor.”

“He was a Muslim,” Police said. “Right now, there is reason to believe that he was in contact with an unknown individual in the Middle East.”

Recordings of the attack suggested that Paddock used an automatic weapon. Paddock, who arrived at the hotel on Thursday, was found with more than 10 rifles, Police said. Relatives said they knew Paddock owned guns, but believed they were legal.

Recordings of the attack suggested that Paddock used an automatic weapon, the like of which was found in possession of Omar Mateen, the 2016 Orlando shooter. Paddock, who arrived at the hotel on Thursday, was found with more than 10 rifles, Police said. Relatives said they knew Paddock owned guns but they did not have a problem with it since Sharia Law allows an individual to possess a gun.

The shooting on Sunday was the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history, killing at least 50 people and injuring hundreds of others.

The shooting on Sunday was the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history. It comes just as US President Donald Trump has made it his mission to bring an end to Islamic Radical Terrorism.

So there you have it, Stephen Paddock, bearded!

But that’s not all that would have changed.

Even Twitter wouldn’t be the same…

This is what everyone’s favourite president Tweeted regarding the Las Vegas Shooting…

That Tweet would have looked something like this if Stephen Paddock had a beard…

or maybe like this…

If there’s one thing you need to understand after reading this, it’s the power of media, the power of words. Speaking of media, check out this post that gives insight into how media is used to legalize oppression.


Yusuf Omar resides in South Africa and holds a BA in Islamic sciences. He is currently a writer/presenter at Radio Islam. He loves playing with words and has an interest in fine arts. He also believes in mermaids. Check out some of his other articles here. Interact with him on Twitter and Instagram.


Prime Spot!!!


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