Ward Winning Muslim Councilors: Rashieda Landis (Robertsham)

November 04, 2021

By Annisa Essack

Rashieda Landis, councillor for Ward 55, Robertsham, in Gauteng, won her ward for the third term on the DA ticket.

She says that she is first a Muslim, a humanitarian and then a politician, and this is the basis on which she runs her ward.

She says she identifies with the DA as they are a party that works for everyone.

“We service everyone, whether you vote for us or not.”

Landis says that service delivery is essential, but she believes firmly that the humanitarian issues, particularly the social ills that affect the communities, must be addressed first and service delivery after.

Rashieda says that she is committed to getting things done and working with others to ensure this happens.

“I am committed to work together with one and all. I am committed to work together with the people that are out there, that are struggling socially. My 100% commitment is to get things done because where we govern, we govern well, and where I can push the stakeholders of the admin of today, I will do so, and I will see, and I won’t stop until I get my work done in my ward.”

She urged the constituents of Ward 55, Robertsham, to work with her to ensure a better environment for all.

[LISTEN] to the podcast here


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1 Comment

  1. Faizel

    Hi Rashieda
    please fix the fence on Kimberley Road Robertsham . its very dangerous because criminals are using the open space to attack the Shops and tenants, then they flee down the embankment where there cars are parked and get away

    Thank You



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