Monday 20100125 – This new muslim brother spoke about his reversion to Islam after obtaining a copy of the Glorious Holy Quraan… He also expressed his deep love for the Final Prophet Mohammed SAW…
Monday 20100125 – This new muslim brother spoke about his reversion to Islam after obtaining a copy of the Glorious Holy Quraan… He also expressed his deep love for the Final Prophet Mohammed SAW…
Prime Spot!!!
Thursday 20130704 - Born in Wellington, New Zealand, brother Ben was raised in an atheist family. The issue of what the Purpose of Life is, always plagued his mind and because of his agnostic background, he found no support from religious philosophy and...
Tuesday 20130507 - Raised in a small US town consisting of 13 Churches, in a family that was actively involved in Church functions, Julie, some years later, found her way to Islam after meeting people from other backgrounds.During her days at College, she...
Monday 20130128 - Born and raised in Sydney, Australia, Tom described his upbringing in a Catholic home. He mentioned that whilst studying Christianity, he found many inconsistencies in the structure and content of the Bible as well as conflicting...
Monday 20121126 - Mohammad described his childhood, growing up in a Lutheran Christian home and his rebellious youth. Even though he subscribed to Christianity, he was an Atheist and passed his time doing drugs, alcohol and fornication. In the midst...
Monday 20120827 - After serving as a Roman Catholic Monk for twelve years, he was moved to an area in Germany where he was affiliated to a hospital as a chaplain. In that time he met many practising Turkish and Algerian Muslim foreigners and was...
Wednesday 20120725 - Having grown up in Tennessee, a US state located in southeast United States, also known as the ‘bible belt’, the brother explained, what started off as a joke, claiming to be and acting as a Muslim, actually sparked intense...