Turn Your Gaze – O Muslim!

October 01, 2007

Muslims constitute approximately twenty percent of the total world population. They occupy the most strategic lands on the globe. In terms of mineral wealth, the Middle East has twenty times more petroleum then the two American continents put together. Despite our numeric supremacy, despite our geographical vantage, despite our mineral wealth, more than 60% of all refugees in the world are Muslim. Muslims have to contend with every major “ism” in the world. There is not a single Muslim country free from the yoke of global imperialists.

Locally, Muslims have to contend with media animosity, entrenched immorality and unprecedented levels of crime and murder. The moral downslide of the youth coupled with beastly promiscuity paints a gloomy picture of the leaders of tomorrow. Economically, Muslims tied to the noose of the banker are verging precariously near collapse and bankruptcy. Our inability to adjust our lifestyles and live according to our means simply serves to aggravate the issue.

Elements blinded by the power of politics are sure to abuse this occasion, to strike terror and cause havoc among the innocent masses. With abated breaths the speculators wait to ply their trade. The unwary electorate has already been subject to the battle of lampposts. Placards barricading lampposts disparage and defile the opposition. Every party self righteously lambasting the other, claiming to be the most proficient and adept at governance. This profanity however, highlights the hypocrisy and lust for power and control of the powers that might be.

Muslims need to be vigilant, alert and informed. We need to turn to Allah, display our humility and beg for His forgiveness. Our lives are governed by both apparent and latent causes. Whilst the “analysts” labour to elucidate the apparent, Muslims need to cast their glances at the latent causes.

Provision related to repentance: The Noble Quran states: “Ask for forgiveness from your Lord, He is Oft Forgiving. He will send rain to you in abundance; bestow you with wealth and (obedient) children…”

Torrential Rains, Economic Prosperity and Obedient Children are directly related to seeking Taubah.

Stability and Prosperity related to gratitude: The Noble Quran states: “Allah presents the parable of a city that enjoyed security and inner peace. Its provision came to it in abundance from every place, but it (subsequently) displayed ingratitude to the favours of Allah, so Allah made it taste the garb of poverty and fear because of its persistent (wrong) doings”.

The three basic requirements for the development of a healthy individual are stability, inner peace and economic prosperity. In the above verse we read of a city that enjoyed stability, peace and a vibrant economy. Yet when its people become ungrateful and extravagant, Allah turned the tables of fortune and they were thus subject to the “garb of poverty and fear”. Garb is a fabric that covers or clings to the body implying that Allah subjected them to such fear and poverty that clung to their very beings. Fear and hovering poverty became a very personal experience in their day to day living.

Diseases related to promiscuity
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam has said: “When shamelessness becomes prevalent among people, they would be entangled in plague and such diseases that never existed during the time of their forefathers.”

Make Amends!
Discharge your obligation of promoting virtue and prohibiting vice – if you turn a blind eye to wrong done in front of you, than be prepared to live under the rule of tyrants.

Recite Surah Yaseen daily – Enjoy the protection of Allah Ta’aala.

Make a habit of seeking forgiveness – It will make your daily bread easier.

Give charity – It subdues the wrath of Allah Ta’aala as water extinguishes fires.

Make Dua – Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam has said: “Nothing besides Dua can change the judgement of Taqdeer.”



Prime Spot!!!


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