Traps of Shaitaan

November 21, 2019
By Sh Saalih Ibn Humaid

Servants of Allah, for everything we do will be accounted for, each soul is going to come to an end at a prescribed time, and you will be dealt with according to your deeds.

O Muslims, Allah Azza Wa Tabaraka says which translates as: “O Children of Adam let not Satan tempt you, as he removed your parents from paradise, stripping them of their clothing to show them their private parts, indeed he sees you, he and his tribes, from where you do not see them. Indeed we have made the devils, allies to those who do not believe” (Al-A’raf: 27).

Satan has practiced his tricks, and temptations starting with our noble and kind parents – Adam (Alaihi Salam) and his wife Eve. It was a great trial, motivated by envy and anger, as Allah says which translates as: “Iblis said, do you see this one, whom you have honored above me?” (Al-Israa’: 62). Satan was also motivated by arrogance, and pride as Allah tells us, which translates as: “…Except for Iblis, Satan, he refused and was arrogant and became of the disbeliveers and he tricked them, by falsely swearing to them” (Al-Baqarah: 34).

Allah says which translates as: “And he swore by Allah to them indeed I am to you from among the sincere advisers, and corrupt measures” (Al-A’raf: 21). As he said which Allah mentions in Suratul A’raf, Satan said which translates as: “I am better than him, you created me from fire and created him from clay”(Al-A’raf: 12).

It is a great trial and a big problem when the power of Iblis (Satan) becomes great. He deceives the hearts, minds and the feelings of men in an aggressive battle, that has ‘roaring sounds’ and foot soldiers and horses that are brought for combat. Allah describes in Suratul Isra’, which translates as: “And deceive whoever you can among them with your voice, and assault them with your horses, and foot soldiers, and become a partner in their wealth, and their children, and promise them. But Satan doesn’t promise them except delusion” (Al-Isra’: 64).

Brothers in Islam, understand these types of tricks from Satan and ponder upon his satanic plans, this is something that is extremely important as it shows the wrong way and the way of salvation; for Allah has guided to both ways and made both paths clear.

Beloved brothers, Satan approaches mankind focusing on his weaknesses. If Satan was expelled out of Jannah (paradise) because of his envy, Adam was kicked out (as is the opinion of some scholars), because of his desire and greed to eternally stay in paradise.

The steps of Satan in tempting mankind gradate until the son of Adam, worships Satan besides Allah. Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala says which translates as: “Did I not enjoined upon you, O Children of Adam that you not worship Satan, indeed he is to you a clear enemy”(Ya Sin: 60), and Allah says which translates as “O My father don’t worship Satan, indeed Satan has ever been to the most merciful disobedient”(Maryam: 44).

This happens to a servant when he surrenders leadership to this enemy, when he allows his desires to go unchecked. So he follows every rebellious devil, as Allah says which translates as: “It has been decreed for him, that whoever turns to him, meaning Satan, he will misguide him and will lead him to the punishment of the blaze”(Al-Hajj: 4).

In the Hadith, found in the books of Imam An-Nisa’i and Ahmad, the Prophet (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said, “Satan sat, waiting for the son of Adam in all his pathways. He sat for him on the path of Islam and he said do you become a Muslim and leave the religion of your fathers and grand fathers? And after this temptation to become a disbeliever, there are different ways where he takes the sons of Adam into innovation, desires and doubts”.

How many worshipers are deceived and confused by some of the doubts and attractive temptations from Satan that leads them to misguidance and results in them saying things about Allah which they do not know, as Allah says which translates as: “And do not follow the footsteps of Satan, indeed he is to you a clear enemy. He only orders you to evil and immorality, and to say about Allah what you do not know”(Al-Baqarah: 168-169).

Yes O Brothers to say about Allah what you do not know, is following the footsteps of Satan, and it’s the basis of polluting and corrupting one’s faith and fabricating in the rulings of Islam.

We observe that some people hastily give their opinions in some areas of knowledge that they know little about. Areas of knowledge that they have not mastered yet they bravely give out Fatawas without a deep understanding of the subject. They do this until they reach a stage of evil, telling complete lies and fabrications. Then Satan descends upon them as Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala says which translates as: “Shall I inform you upon whom the devils descends, they descend upon every sinful liar and they will not be calling for guidance, nor be commanding to piety, nor will they guide to the truth”(Ash-Shu’ara: 221-222). This is the objective of Satan, hastiness, as in the Hadith found in the book of Imam Abu Yaala and Baiyhaqi. The Prophet (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said as reported by Anas Ibn Malik “Patience is from Allah and hastiness is from Satan”. After which, Satan attacks through the desires, the nature and the habits of man – for miserliness, fear of poverty, are weapons of Satan.

Sufiyan Al-Thoury says regarding that, “Satan doesn’t have a weapon against mankind, like fear of poverty”.

Therefore, this whispering comes to the heart of a human being, who becomes deprived of the truth, listening to his desires, and who becomes doubtful of his Lord. Our Lord says which translates as: “Satan threatens you with poverty and orders you to immorality while Allah promises you forgiveness from him and bounty. And Allah is all encompassing and knowing”(Al-Baqarah: 268).

O Brothers anger is an act of rebellious of the mind and for those who are with sound minds and wisdom, anger causes a loss of equilibrium. It is reported, that some of the Prophets said to Iblis. “By what did you defeat the son of Adam?” He said, “At the time of anger and at the time of desire”.

A man from Quraish spoke very harshly to Umar Ibn Abdulaziz. Therefore, Umar paused for a while then said: ” You want Satan to intimidate me with the might of my power, so I harm you today and then you harm me tomorrow”, meaning the Day of Judgment.

As for false and deceiving hopes and arrogance, which are sharp weapons of Satan, Allah says which translates as: “He (Satan) promises them and arouses desire in them, but Satan doesn’t promise them except delusions” (An-Nisa’: 120).

Allah says, which translates as: “… But I had no authority over you except that I invited you, and you responded to me, so don’t blame me, but blame yourselves…” (Ibrahim: 22).

Allah says, which translates as: “… But when the two armies sighted each other, he turned on his heals, meaning Satan, and said indeed, I am disassociated from you…” (Al-Anfal: 48). He promises them, this deceiver according to their natures and their habits. He attracts them to his traps depending on the strength of their desires. He threatens the rich and makes them fear poverty, if they were intending to give charity and act generously. He makes wealth seem attractive and seeking it through unlawful and immoral means.

He makes desirable and pleasing for the people of different sects the discrimination and degradation of others, making it appear to them as though this is eagerness in seeking knowledge and expressing love of the people of knowledge whom they follow.

The life of the son of Adam passes while he is swimming in an ocean of hopes, while he is indulged on the road of misguidance. Satan promises him falsehood, promises him things that are impossible. The weak soul lives on this promise and enjoys this falsehood and rejoices as young children rejoice (i.e. without thinking of the consequences).

Being neglectful and extreme are two ‘weapons’ of Iblis. Some of the Salaf use to say, “There is not a command from Allah, but Satan has two ways about it, either he makes a person neglect the command of Allah which is a short coming or transgress it, which is an exaggeration”.

Iblis does not care which one of the two ‘weapons’ is successful; he sets his traps between these two.

A group of people exaggerated with their Prophets and their followers until they worship them, and others were neglectful until they killed them. They killed those who commanded people to be just.

A group exaggerated regarding their scholars and their righteous people and others neglected them and turned the other way. If you look at the Islamic Rulings, you see a group of people neglecting them, making shortcomings regarding obligations related to purification, and others exaggerating and becoming extreme.

A group of people made their concern and objectives the attainment of knowledge and neglected implementation and practice of that knowledge. Others neglected obligations that they should be aware of and never studied it. As for deeds and actions of the heart, such as fear, humbleness, and repentance, etc., people falling under the control of Satan, neglect these deeds and actions of the heart and do not pay attention to them, thinking them to be unessential. Satan influences other groups, of the opposite side, making them neglect action and physical deeds claiming them to be rejected and dropped from worship and need not be practiced. As Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala says which translates as: “Satan enticed them and prolong hope for them”(Muhammad: 25).

Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala says which translates as: “And he whom Satan is a companion, then evil is he as a companion”(An-Nisa’: 38).

Allah says which translates as: “And indeed they avert them from the way of guidance while they think that they are rightly guided. The worst that the companion or the devilish companion would do is to avert someone from the truth. And not allow them to wake up to find out the truth, rather deceives him and makes him think that he is on the right path until painful fate and destiny takes him by surprise “(Az-Zukhruf: 37).

Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala says which translates as: “Indeed they had taken the devils as allies instead of Allah while they thought they were guided” (Al-A’raf: 30).

O Muslims, this cursed one – Satan, has taken a covenant upon himself to sit for the son of Adam on all his paths.

Allah says translates as: “Satan said, because you have put me in error, I will surely sit and wait for them on your straight path, then I will come to them from before them and from behind them, and on their right and on their left and you will not find most of them grateful to you”(Al-A’raf: 16-17).

He threatened and promised to do that, but his plan and his evil are weak and his plotting will fail.

If the servant equips himself with the ‘weapons’ of faith and pure belief and is enthusiastic in acts of worship of his Lord and relies on his Lord as Allah says which translates as: “Indeed there is for him no authority over those who have believed and relied upon their Lord.” (An-Nahl: 99).

He has neither authority nor power over the sincere people who embrace Islamic monotheism, but he has great power and authority for those who take him as allies and disbelieve in Allah.

Allah says which translates as: “Did you not see that we have sent the devils upon the disbelievers inciting them to evil with constant incitement” (Maryam: 83). If it happens that this enemy of Allah – Satan went on to try to make his promise come true, he has no way, power, or control over the slaves of Allah who have submitted to the Most Merciful Lord.

Allah says which translates as: “Indeed over my believing servants there is for you no authority” (Al-Isra’: 65).

O Brothers, as clear and as obvious as it is, some believers might slip and fall, thus becoming affected by Satan, his heart becoming afflicted with the whispers of Satan. However, as soon as he seeks the help of his Lord and rushes to Him, remembers Him, and repents to Him, immediately Satan retreats.

Allah says which translates as: “Indeed those who fear Allah when an impulse touches them from Satan they remember him and at once they have insight” (An-A’raf: 201). Their strong bond and relation with their Lord protects them, from following their enemy and the enemy of Allah.

The believer rids himself of the whispers and temptations of Satan by the remembrance of Allah, seeking His help and asking for refuge in Him from Satan.

Allah says which translates as: “And if it comes to you from Satan and evil suggestion then seek refuge in Allah. Indeed he is the All Hearing and All Knowing” (Fussilat: 36).

O Brothers, it is mandatory upon him who wants good for himself, protection for his faith, and defeat for Satan to look with insight, and not with lust, desire, and greed, and to take and maintain the path of piety and knowledge.

Al-Hassan (Rahimallah) said, “Two things concerns the heart, the concern of Allah, and the concern of the enemy. May Allah have mercy upon a slave, who monitors these concerns. So whatever comes from Allah he complies with it, and whatever comes from the enemy he strives against it and avoids it”.

Allah says which translates as: “O Mankind indeed the promise of Allah is the truth so let not worldly life delude you and be not deceived about Allah by the deceiver (Satan). Indeed Satan is an enemy to you so take him as an enemy. He only invites his party to be among the companions of the blaze (Fatir: 5-6).

So fear Allah, May Allah be merciful to you and seek refuge in your Lord, Allah, from Satan and his evil traps.


Prime Spot!!!


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