Toxic People: Part 2

November 03, 2020

Toxic people come in different forms. In order to avoid the harm, it is important to be able to identify them, and learn how to deal with them.

Types of Toxic People

  1. People who avoid responsibility – There exist people who are unable to assume the responsibility for their actions. They’re prone to blaming others for their own mistakes. That kind of person will have a negative influence on your life. They aren’t able to change their attitude, and you are going to become their victim sooner or later. They are bound to find a way for burdening you with their responsibilities.
  2. Self-destructive people – Some people tend to become defensive when you point out their lapses of judgment. They want your pity, help and attention, but they’re not really interested in solving their own problems. If you feel that one of your friends needs that kind of support all the time, you can be sure that your friendship will sooner or later lead to stress and frustration.

    Self-destructive people have no interest in growing or changing. They’re simply content to complain about their lives over and over again.

  3. People who just criticize – Just because you have your flaws that you’re struggling to overcome, it doesn’t mean that someone should point them out to you all the time. There is a difference between expressing one’s concern honestly and constructively, and pointing out the weakness in order to attack someone. If someone you know is quick to emphasize your flaws and frequently criticizes your behavior, you are dealing with a toxic person.

How to Avoid The Harm
Always Try to Ignore Their Toxic Traps – Demotivating words are the primary weapon that they frequently use in their implications to detract you. Along with this, they throw words in such a way that you start feeling guilty. Well, you must understand that these are just toxic traps and you should not step on it. Always remember that you will have full access to freedom if you stop taking things personally. They not only do this with you but also with everyone else.

Set the Boundaries – Establishing boundaries is the best solution. Toxic people often manipulate your time, trying to steal more of your attention and disregarding your personal plans and arrangements. Set the boundaries of how much time and your undivided attention you going to offer. When their time is over – go on with your life.

Assert Yourself – While the above solution is about avoiding confrontation, this is a solution if you can’t get out of it. Confrontation, however, shouldn’t be in the form of aggression or rudeness, at least, from your perspective. You merely tell them directly that you are focusing on YOUR needs right now. You can also be more straightforward and talk about your feelings, say that you feel drained after talking to them. You care about them, but you don’t see a reason why you should discuss their particular problem since they don’t want to do anything with it.


Prime Spot!!!


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