This Strange Feeling

November 16, 2009
by Fatima Jaffer
It's strange this feeling thats come over me,
It ebbs and flows like the tide.
Some times it seems so far away,
And at others it's deep inside.

I feel no need for food or sleep,
And dream the hours away.
My friends and family notice it,
“What's wrong with you?" they say.

Each dawn, the sun – a sleepy ball,
Stretches golden across the skies.
And I watch the horizon birth a new day,
Greeting it with eager eyes.

Then birds begin to welcome this Spring,
With songs of praise and hamd.
And as I join them in glorious prayer,
My heart is gently calmed.

The noonday heat that bakes all life,
And honeyed sunshine pours.
Sweetens every thought I have,
And glazes all my chores.

I wish I knew why the tiny flowers,
That beneath my window bloom.
Intoxicate me when I peek out,
And inhale their divine perfume.

There is a canopy of pure blue,
Stretched taut above my head.
And hues that flourish in multitude,
Of blues and greens and red.

What Artist uses a palette so?
With no seeming regard for rules.
And yet in His canvases presents,
An exhibition of stunning jewels.

As evening sets upon the world,
The autumn of the day.
Folding its summer in warm arms,
And for its winter, paving way.

As nightfall sweeps its vast, dark cloak,
Across the endless skies.
And stars begin to shyly peek,
Like girls with shining eyes.

I look up and marvel at the sight,
Of this delicate, glittering spray.
More beautiful than a bride bedecked,
Upon her wedding day.

“What's wrong with me?" I ask myself,
As a giggle, my throat licks.
And then I laugh and laugh some more
Because it finally clicks.

What do you say to a person who has,
A heart so filled it could burst?
With something that not only feeds,
Hunger, but also quenches thirst.

What do you say to eyes that see,
But only one thing perceive?
A thread of perfect, pure Noor,
That through everything does weave.

What do you say to ears that hear,
Just one Name, over and over?
To fingers that reach out to touch,
And feel a Presence hover?

You say what any sane person would,
“Girl, it's most definitely decided".
“You're well and truly lost to us",
“It's by your heart you're guided."

And I, in turn, will smile and wink,
And say, “I will not bunk"
Or dare protest your guess on what
“It is that makes me drunk"

What else explains why I see My Lord,
In the seas and the heavens above.
And in every thing between, except
That with Him, I have finally fallen in Love!


Prime Spot!!!


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