The Sahabah (RA) and the Preservation of the Noble Qur’aan

March 14, 2019

Naseerah Nanabhai, Radio Islam, 11-03-2019

(Twitter: @radioislam)


The Sahabah (RA) played an important role in the preservation of the Quraan and bringing the Quraan to us. It is the great favour of Allah (SWT) that he has revealed the Quraan for the guidance of this ummah. The Quraan is the rope that connects us with Allah (SWT). When you are reading the Quraan you are talking to Allah (SWT) directly. It has been revealed for our guidance. Every aspect of the Quraan is noble, learning understanding it and practising it, even looking at the words is a form of worship. We have many copies of the Quraan in front of us. The Quraan is the eternal word of Allah (SWT).

At the time of the creation of this world, Allah (SWT) instructs the pen to write and the Quraan was written on the preserved tablet. It was during the month of Ramadhaan that the Quraan was revealed, it was transferred from the preserved tablet to Baitul- Iza to this world. It was revealed to Nabi (SAW) over a period of 23 years, a gradual revelation. Jibra’eel would come down and there were other ways of revelation. According to the circumstances, the Quraan would be revealed to Nabi (SAW). Nabi (SAW) encouraged the sahabah to read and learn the Quraan.

As Nabi (SAW) would receive revelation, he had certain sahabah who would around him, he would instruct them to write it down. They would write it on different places and keep it with them. Allah (SWT) had granted special favour to this ummah to have the ability to memorize the Quraan and be able to practice it from memory. After the Nabi (SAW) had passed away, the Quraan was preserved in the hearts of people and written down on various places.

Sayyiduna Abu Bakr (RA) was the Khalifah and one of the most decisive battles they had to face was against those who had left Islam. In the front rank of the battle they put all the Hufaaz, the Muslims received the victory. But as a result, many Hufaaz were lost. It was then that Sayyiduna Omar (AS) who asked Sayyiduna Abu Bakr (RA) that we compile the Quraan into one book, in fear of losing it. He was reluctant, as he said I will not do something that the messenger had not done. And eventually he convinced him and they began to do this. The Quraan was then put into one book and as Islam spread it was compiled into a master copy that was distributed.

The people before us would easily be able to practice the Quraan but it would be harder for them to memorize it, in today’s time it is the opposite. There is a certain enjoyment that people will feel when reading the Quraan. We haven’t tasted it because of our own shortcomings, only the one who is pure can touch it. Only the person who has been cleansed of his sins will enjoy the Quraan. The people who spend their nights reading Quraan enjoy it more than those who are in the dens of evil at night.

The Sahabah (RA) were such that when Allah (SWT) name was mentioned there hearts would tremble, and when verses were recited their imaan would increase, every time they heard the Quraan it had an impact on them. We ask ourselves why is it that when we hear the Quraan we are unmoved, it doesn’t have such a strong impact on us. We need to listen with the intention of practising it and bringing it into our lives. The Sahabah would do this, they would not move onto to learn new verses until they have practised what they have learnt, they were living examples of the Quraan.

As the instructions came from Allah (SWT) the sahabah adhered to it. They gave up alcohol and lottery as soon as the verse came out. Spend that which is most beloved to you for Allah (SWT). When Sayyiduna Abu Bakr would recite the Quraan it would have such an impact that the wives and children of the disbelievers would come to listen to him.

The Quraan is a great gift from Allah (SWT) and we have a big responsibility towards it. We need to pass it over to our children and continue reading it on a daily basis. May Allah (SWT) give us the correct understanding and guide us all.


[LISTEN]: Full lecture – Mufti Yusuf Moosajee


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