The Punishment for Zinaa

June 23, 2010

Note: Fornication is zinaa committed by an unmarried person, and adultery is zinaa by married people.

Almighty Allah states in Surah Furqan (Chapter 25) verses 68 and 69: “And those who invoke not any other God along with Allâh, nor kill such life as Allâh has forbidden, except for a just cause, nor commit illegal sexual intercourse and whoever does this shall receive the punishment. The torment will be doubled for Him on the Day of Resurrection, and He will abide therein for a long time in disgrace;”

Comment: In this verse Allah Ta’ala equates zinaa with shirk (worshipping other Gods) and murder. Then Allah Ta’ala says the punishment will be doubled for the sin of zinaa, and on top of this the adulterer or fornicator will remain in that punishment for a long period of time in utter disgrace. Indeed, the zaani (adulterer or fornicator) is disgraced in this world, and will be disgraced on the Day of Judgment. Allah Ta’ala says in Surah Israa (17) verse 32: “And come not near to unlawful sexual intercourse. Verily, it is a shameless thing and an evil Way.”

Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) said: “When a Muslim commits zinaa (adultery or fornication), then the iemaan leaves the heart and hovers above like a cloud. When the fornicator wrenches himself out of that sin, the iemaan returns.” (Abu Dawood)

The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) also said: “Iemaan is a Noor. Whoever commits zinaa, the (Noor of) iemaan separates itself from him. When he regrets his sin, it returns.” (Bayhaqi)

“Ieman is like a cloak which Allah confers upon whomever He wishes. When His servant commits zinaa, Allah removes from him the cloak of iemaan. If he repents, Allah returns it to him.” (Bayhaqi).

Comment: From these ahaadith we learn that precisely at the moment of fornication, there is no iemaan in the heart of the lustful one. It’s impossible for iemaan and zinaa to co-exist in a believer. If he or she dies at that moment, they would die as a kaafier without iemaan! Allah Forbid! What about those vile ones who after committing one act of zinaa, wish to do it a second time without remorse or repentance?

Abdullah bin Abbas RA narrates that Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) said: “When zinaa and ribaa (usury) becomes rife in a community then they have earned the Decree of Allah (to be punished)." (Haakim and Tabrani).

Abdullah bin Umar RA narrates that Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) said: “Zinaa breeds poverty.” “When shameless acts become rife among a community then Allah sends death upon them” (Haakim from Hazrat Burayda) (This means that people start dying frequently.)

“After Shirk (associating partners with Allah) there isn’t a worse sin in the Eyes of Allah than a man depositing his semen into a womb that is not Halaal for him.” (Ahmad)

Comment: One may not argue that if semen is not deposited into the womb then the abovementioned sin does not apply. So using the sheath that captures the semen before it enters the womb will exonerate one from the act of zinaa. Certainly not! This hadith implies that if the semen was not withheld, it would have entered the womb. Withholding semen or withdrawing before ejaculation is a deliberate act of the zaani. Had that not been done, the semen would have found its way into the haraam womb. Zinaa in Shariah means penetration of one private part into another. The sin and punishment will automatically fall when such penetration occurs. Just as ghusl (bathing) becomes faradh upon both husband and wife when mere penetration occurs, even if there was no ejaculation of semen, likewise such an act outside nikah will be termed zinaa.

The adulterous men and women will be made to drink the pus that oozes from people burning in Hell fire. (Tafseer Durre-Manthoor) Adulterous men and women will be thrown naked into a pit of raging fire. Every time the fire rises to the top of the pit, these people will scramble to get out. But then quickly the fire will submerge to the bottom of the pit and the sinners will continue burning. (Bukhari)

A REMEDY: Those afflicted with the disease of zinaa should read the above verses and hadith and contemplate the punishment promised for this sin. If this is done daily, Insha-Allah, one will soon be cured. 

~ Taken from al-Farooq Vol 4, no3 ~


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