The Palestine Report with Ml Ebrahim Moosa

May 15, 2023

Annisa Essack |
15 May 2023 | 14:30 CAT

3 min read

Today marks the 75th Naqba Day commemoration as Palestinians struggle for their freedom. Speaking on the topic, Ml Ebrahim Moosa says that attention is more focused this year.

Moosa explained that the Naqba or Catastrophe is not just an event that occurred on May 15, 1948, but rather a process that began in 1947 when Israel began the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

Events to commemorate the event took place worldwide on Sunday and, in some parts, will take place today. He was attending the march in Cape Town today.

Eleven minutes after the State of Israel was declared in 1948, the United States recognised the new Zionist state. But the narrative has shifted as Congress saw Rashid Tlaib leading them to sponsor a Naqba Commemoration Bill and commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Naqba on Capitol Hill, making it the first country to recognise and commemorate the Naqba after years of denial.

Also, significant is that the United Nations, this year, officially commemorated the Naqba at its premises in New York.

These are remarkable successes for the Palestinians as they continue their struggle.

Looking at the week before, the Israeli Occupation Forces attacked Gaza again, which left more than 30 people dead and several injured.

Mawlana Moosa explained the reasons behind the attack, saying that Netanyahu pushed for but failed to achieve judicial reforms after pressure from the international community. However, the right-wing coalition pushed for confrontation and Gaza and the groups’ leaders within the Strip were targeted, pointing to the policy of appeasement within the Israeli government.

The response from the Islamic Jihad was significant as they dictated the terms of response to choose how and when to attack. There was also a dramatic failure of the Iron Doom in intercepting the Palestinian rockets causing the Israelis to abandon the Doom and choose instead to utilise the David Sling System to the inferior missiles used by Palestine.

Having carried out more than 15 military operations on the Gaza Strip since 2005, commentators are asking what Israel has achieved and that the Israeli public is no longer confident in Netanyahu’s views on the success of the operations.

Listen to the full interview on Sabahul Muslim with Ml Sulaimaan Ravat here


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