The Palestine Report with Ebrahim Moosa

May 23, 2023

Annisa Essack |
22 May 2023 | 17:00 CAT
2 min read

The week’s big story was the failure of the Israeli Flag March, and Mawlana Ebrahim Moosa shed light on the topic.

The flag march commemorates the Israeli takeover of Jerusalem in 1967, and according to Moosa, this year, it had full support from the Zionist government, with Ministers Ben Gvir, Smotrich and others attending.

The Israeli anthem was sung, and Jewish rituals were carried out inside Masjid Al Aqsa whilst Palestinians, including older people and even journalists, were attacked on the streets of Jerusalem.

On Sunday, Itamar Ban Gvir declared inside Masjid Al Aqsa that “we are in charge here” and said he was happy to be ascending the Temple Mount, the most sacred site for the Jewish, in a show of strength.

However, many commentators have pointed out the march failed as the state and settler movements did not achieve their objectives for the day.

Furthermore, the march now poses a crisis to the oppressor, as it shows the insecurity and lack of confidence as the Zionist government tries to assert its flag to confirm its sovereignty over the Palestinians.

Speaking on the aftermath of the recent Israeli assault, Moosa said that the Gaza Strip saw a rapid depletion of medical resources. Hospitals and clinics were also damaged, escalating the situation.

In a positive turn, a former Israeli soldier returned a key he stole from Masjid Al Aqsa fifty-six years ago. Moosa shed some background on the history and told the story of the return of the key by the soldier.

On returning the key, the soldier said that the Israelis should return the land, their rights, respect for them, their freedom and security. He also voiced his regret for having participated in the oppression.

Listen to the full interview with Sulaimaan Ravat on Sabahul Muslim here


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