The Manners of Conversation

September 17, 2007

In Sura Al-Haj, Allah described the believers 'and they have been guided to the purest of speeches; and guided to the path of Him who is worthy of all praise.' When you talk during your visit, say only what fits the situation and be brief. If you are the youngest among those sitting, don't speak unless you are asked to, or unless you know that your speech and words will be well received and will please the host and other guests. Don't prolong your speech. Use a proper tone of voice. Anas reported that 'the Prophet's talk was clear and concise. Not too much or too little. He disliked loquacity and ranting.' Bukhari narrated a Hadith in which Aishah RA said 'The Prophet's talk [was so little] that you can count his words'.


If you hear the Athan you must listen and respond to the call of Allah. Many people, even those with Islamic knowledge continue talking while the Athan is being called. This is rude, since those hearing the Athan should listen to it and quit speech. Solemnly they should repeat the words of the Athan and reflect on the words of this highest call. We should listen to the Athan, whether we are at home, office, shop, or attending a lesson, even if it is a religious lesson. Imam Al-Kasani in Badaiu Al-Sanaei' said: 'Those hearing the Athan or Iqama should not talk. The Athan is the food of the soul nourishing it with faith and elevation. Do not forgo your share of it. Teach this to your children and friends. Al-Bukhari narrated a Hadith by Abu Saeed Al-Khudri that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: 'If you heard the call say like what the Muezzin is saying.' In another Hadith reported by Jaber that the Prophet said 'He deserves my help on the day of judgment who said when hearing Athan: O' Allah, the Lord of this perfect call and imminent prayer, please award Mohammad the help, nobility, and the desired status you promised him.'


If you speak to a guest or any other person, whether in a gathering or alone, make sure that your voice is pleasant, with a low, audible tone. Raising your voice is contrary to proper manners and indicates a lack of respect for the person to whom you are talking. This manner should be maintained with friends, peers, acquaintances, strangers, the young and the old. It is more important to adhere to this with one's parents or someone of their status, or with people for whom you have great respect. If appropriate, smile while talking to others. This will make them more receptive to what you have to say, and may dispel the impression that practicing Muslims are stern and humourless.


The Quran tells us that the advice of Luqman the Wise to his son was, '…and lower your voice,' directing him to speak in a gentle manner, for speaking loudly is detested and ugly. Verses two and three of Surat Al-Hujurat read: 'O you who believe! Raise not your voices, above the voice of the Prophet, nor speak aloud to him as you speak aloud to one another, lest your deeds become vain and you perceive not. Those that lower their voices in the presence of Allah's apostle, Allah has tested their hearts for piety, for them there is forgiveness and a great reward.'


Imam Al-Bukhari in his Sahih reported that 'Abdullah bin Al-Zubair said that after the revelation of this verse, whenever Omar bin Al-Khattab wanted to speak to the Prophet (PBUH), he would talk as if whispering. The Prophet would hardly hear him and he would inquire about some of what Omar said, since he did not hear him well.


Your talk should be clear, concise and to the point. Do not talk and talk and talk. Bukhari and Muslim reported that Anas RA said 'The Prophet's talk was precise clear, and succinct without undue elaboration.' Al-Hafiz Al-Zahabi wrote in his biography of Imam Ibn Sireen, the great scholar and eminent follower of the companions, that: 'Whenever he was in his mother's presence, he would talk in such a low voice that you would think that he was ill.' In his biography of Abdullah bin Awn Al-Basri, a student of Imam Ibn Sireen and one of the famous scholars Al-Hafiz Al-Zahabi, noted: 'One time his mother called him and because he responded with a voice louder than hers, he was fearful and repentant and he freed two slaves.'


'Asim bin Bahdelah Al-Koofi, the recitor of the Quran, said: 'I visited Omar bin 'Abdul Aziz, and a man spoke loudly, and Omar replied: 'Stop it. You need not talk loudly. Talk loud enough to make your listeners hear.'


Prime Spot!!!


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