By Sh Su'ood Ash Shuraym – 12 Rabiul Thaani 1434
Praise be to Allah, the Almighty, the Most High, to Whom belongs Might, Perfection and Majesty! In His Hand, He holds the keys to the Heavens and Earth. He does all that He wishes and commands all that He desires! To Him we shall all return! I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah alone, with no associate, and that Muhammad is the servant and Messenger of Allah, a Prophet with great traits and magnanimous attributes! May Allah send His Salat (Graces, Honors, Mercy), Peace and Blessings upon him, his family, wives, Companions and upon those who follow them in righteousness until the Day of Judgment!
Having said that… The best recommendation to you, O people, as well as to myself is to observe Taqwa (fear of disobeying Almighty Allah). He who holds fast to taqwa and fears his Lord for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in anger and contentment shall find it illuminating his path in darkness, and guiding him in loneliness and misfortunes. "It is such as obey Allah and His Messenger, and fear Allah and do right, that will win (in the end)." [Al-Nur: 52]
O people! For a society to attain success and integration, it must have a solid structure built from firmly laid blocks representing people's inner reality where all the blocks are equal and the same, with no distinction between those at the bottom and those at the top. Without this integration, the whole structure may not be to stand and hold together. Any rifting in the structure or disregard to any of its building blocks would inevitably lead to further cracks and eventually to the disintegration and collapse of the whole building. This state of affairs applies to every society without exception.
Therefore, it is imperative for society to act as a single family in all integration and concordance where the noble would lend their ears to the humble, the rich to the poor and the old to the young, and where no one would feel alienated, as camels in the desert while living amidst a huge nation and on one territory. Short of this, society would be bound to slide into dissipation and disintegration, paving the way for the destructive spirit of selfishness, egotism and indifference to others. For what is the value of a society where destruction outweighs construction?
No matter how great, affluent and economically developed countries may be, this would not be enough for them to meet their peoples’ requirements or fulfill their aspirations in time of need, let alone sustaining them.
At this point comes the role of the consistent and coherent society within which is kindled the spirit of voluntary work, which is the corner-stone that bridges the material, social, nutritional, security, and intellectual divide, besides fulfilling other primary necessities, needs and luxuries.
When voluntary work prevails in society and shapes itself as a noble feeling for those doing it and for fellow social members, it will indeed sweep away selfishness, miserliness, monopoly and humility provided that it stays free of any personal interest, favoritism or regionalism. Voluntary work has infinite beneficiaries. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) says, "Regarding every wet liver (i.e. animate being) there is a reward." [Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim]
Voluntary work, O servants of Allah, is bound by neither space nor time; it stretches as far as its nature permits. Any work, if done without seeking pay or reward, is voluntary once motivated by good intention. It is as broad and extensive as the meaning of the word good itself. Here we need to make a little distinction between voluntary work and charitable work. Voluntary work refers to work done at one's own initiative, i.e. not requested by anyone. Charitable work, by contrast, is often carried out in response to a prior request. However, both types of work represent the two sides of the same coin; they lead to doing good for people in return for nothing, only seeking Allah’s reward: "(Saying), "We feed you for the sake of Allah alone: no reward do we desire from you, nor thanks." [Al-Insan: 9]
The wise know that progress and resistance to disintegration and collapse are what assigns value to society. They realize that volunteering is a necessity decreed by heavenly and man-made legislations before and after Islam. It is a salient sign of the purity of the volunteer’s nature, altruism, passion and kindness as these are the attributes of the hunafa who have not been vilified by diabolical selfishness and egotism.
This is corroborated by Khadija's ?may Allah be pleased with her? description of the Prophet’s (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) state, before he received divine revelation, when he returned from the cave of Hira after having met with Archangel Gabriel (AS): "I feared for myself", he told her. "Never!" Khadija said, "But have the glad tidings, for by Allah, Allah will never disgrace you as you keep good relations with your Kith and kin, speak the truth, help the poor and the destitute, serve your guest generously and assist the deserving, calamity-afflicted ones." [Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim]
What Hakim Ibn Hizam told the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) proves that voluntary work is a righteous human disposition before and after Islam. "You know that in the days before Islam I used to maintain family ties, free slaves, and give charity." Hakim told the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam). "Will I be rewarded for any of those deeds?" he asked. The Prophet replied, "You embraced Islam with all the good you did in the past."
This is the extent, the tolerance and the benevolence of Islam; it is urging Muslims to do good and to cooperate with each other in order to promote it and help attend to people’s needs.
Voluntary work represents one of the guided, eternal, comprehensive and multifaceted images of Islam. It encompasses a variety of fields, such as economic development where volunteering stimulates people and spurs them into taking a true interest in endowment activities on account of the great impact they have on economic development. Endowments expand the scope of financial operations while keeping assets untouched.
Voluntary work applies to intellectual and social activities as well as da’wah (calling for Islam), and the like, provided that it departs from routine and stiffness into keeping pace with events and time, attracting qualified personnel, and establishing study and research centers that would seek to address the community needs and propose therapeutic and protective measures by engaging social awareness on the importance of volunteering and its effect on the socio-economic rapprochement as well as on affinity with religious.
A rapid glance at a single field of voluntary work –such as combatting penury and providing the destitute with vital necessities– reveals that what the haves spend on entertainment is enough to cover the needs of the have-nots in a whole city.
If half of the cost of a wedding party given by the rich were channeled to feed orphans near of kin or poor people cleaving to dust out of misery, it would be a blessing for the marrying couple, a source of happiness for the needy, a guard against the evil eye of the envious, and protection against the punishment for committing extravagance and thriftiness: "And render to the kindred their due rights, as (also) to those in want, and to the wayfarer: But squander not (your wealth) in the manner of a spendthrift. Verily spendthrifts are brothers of the Evil Ones; and the Evil One is to his Lord (himself) ungrateful." [Al-Isra: 26-27]
This is our religion, and this is how we are taught by our Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam). He wanted us to be constructive hands working towards people's welfare and success. He wanted us to work and not to sit idle; he wanted us to share people's feelings and not to turn a deaf ear or a blind eye to their suffering. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) says, "Every Muslim has to give in charity.": "(But what) if someone has nothing to give, what should he do?" He was asked. The Prophet replied, "He should work with his hands and benefit himself and also give in charity (from what he earns)." "If he cannot find even that?" He was further asked. "He should help the needy who appeal for help,"he replied. Then he was asked again, "If he cannot do (even) that?" The Prophet said finally: "Then he should perform good deeds and keep away from evil deeds, and that will be regarded as charity." [Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim]
What is then the value of a society that spends very little in doing good?! What do you make of a society where evil outweighs good?! What path could be worse than this?! And what kind of pious and pure man could pass on such a steep path?!
"But he has not attempted to pass on the path that is steep (i.e. the path which will lead to goodness and success).
12. And what will make you know the path that is steep?
13. (It is) freeing a neck (slave).
14. Or giving food in a day of hunger (famine),
15. To an orphan near of kin.
16. Or to a Miskîn (poor) cleaving to dust (out of misery).
17. Then he became one of those who believed (in the Islamic Monotheism) and recommended one another to perseverance and patience, and (also) recommended one another to pity and compassion.
18. They are those on the Right Hand (i.e. the dwellers of Paradise)," [Al-Balad: 11-18]
May Allah bless you and me by the Glorious Qur'?n and make its verses and wise sayings beneficial to you and me! This is what I have said. If it is correct, it is so thanks to Allah, but if it is wrong, it is my own fault and Satan’s. I seek forgiveness from Almighty Allah. Verily, He is Oft-Forgiving!