The healthy benefits of swimming

September 06, 2007

Swimming is a healthy activity with both physical and mental benefits. Increase your fitness with water exercise, be it lap swimming or water aerobics; besides the benefits to your heart, lungs, and muscles, you will feel better about yourself. Take a break from your hectic daily schedule and enjoy playing at the beach on a hot summer day. Being able to swim also enhances your enjoyment of other recreational activities like , scuba diving, sailing, or rafting, even going to the beach.

Swimming is probably the most nearly perfect form of exercise. It is non-weight bearing and imposes no stress on the bones and joints; it improves cardiovascular conditioning; it is an effective weight-control exercise — one hour of swimming burns about as many calories as running six miles in one hour; and it is a form of meditation that helps calm the nerves. Swimming also uses most of the major muscle groups, and strengthens both the upper and lower body.

Be aware of the depth of the water and any potential hazards before going in. Know where the pool ladder and steps are. When swimming in the ocean or lakes, watch for rocks, pollution, currents, and sudden changes in water temperature. Never swim alone, regardless of your skill level. Since pool chemicals can irritate and dry the skin, shower immediately after swimming and apply moisturizing lotion.

As you swim, think about a straight line from head to hips to legs. All parts of the stroke are integrally linked. Head position and kick determine how high you ride in the water. The timing of your breathing affects your alignment and also, to some extent, the path of your arms.

Keep your head straight down as you swim; roll your body both ways, even if you only breathe on one side; don't overkick or you will tire out your legs.

Alternate different strokes within the same workout to reduce boredom and work different muscle groups.

Warm up and stretch before swimming hard. A few minutes of stretching before and after swimming will make your stroke smoother and more efficient, and will help relieve muscle soreness.

After warming up and stretching, swim continuously for 10 minutes. Once you can do that comfortably, increase your swim time by 2 minutes every third session. Then add in a set of 10 sprints of about 50 yards each. Rest for about 30 seconds in between sprints.

Do a total-body conditioning program. It is extremely important to strengthen the rotator cuff muscles to keep the shoulder joint tight, so make shoulder-strengthening exercises part of your regular workout routine. Free weights allow you to isolate the rotator cuff muscles better than exercise machines.

Drink plenty of fluids before and after your workout. It's easy to become dehydrated, even during water workouts. Home

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Benefits of Swimming
What are the benefits of swimming?
Swimming is a great activity. It tones your entire body while providing an excellent cardiovascular workout; it strengthens your heart muscle and improves delivery of oxygen to muscles. Swimming is also a relaxing activity.

How to start Swimming?
To swim as an exercise, you should first contact your doctor. Once your doctor gives you the "OK" to swim as an exercise, you will need a swimsuit that fits you comfortably and that won't need adjusting during exercise. If you are swimming outdoors, a sunscreen is also important. (see sunburn) Swimming equipment may also be helpful. Some of the most common kinds of equipment are: a kickboard, a light foam board that supports your upper body, and a pull-buoy. Upper body support is useful when doing kicking exercises. A pull-buoy is helpful to hold your legs still while you focus on upper-body exercises. A public pool may not allow equipment. Check in advance.

Check with a doctor before beginning your exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have chronic back, joint, heart, or inner-ear problems. Don't overdo it. If you feel tired then stop. You should be relaxed, not depleted of energy. If you spend too much time in the water, you may develop swimmer's ear.

Protect Yourself While Swimming
Bacteria, germs and other disease-causing microorganisms found in ocean water, lakes and chlorinated pools can sometimes cause unpleasant symptoms ranging from diarrhea to skin, ear, and eye infections. Protect yourself from these unpleasant symptoms by not swimming after a heavy rainfall or swallowing any water.

Swimming and Pregnancy?
Pregnant women can also benefit from swimming. Swimming can help them strengthen their abdominal and shoulder muscles. Abdominal and shoulder muscles are areas that are often taxed by carrying a baby. Water exercise can also reduce the joint stiffness, high blood pressure, and discomfort associated with pregnancy. Swimming and Breast Cancer Swimming after breast surgery is an excellent means of exercising all the major muscle groups, and avoiding muscular atrophy often seen in post-surgical patients who remain sedentary for prolonged periods. Before beginning an exercise program, talk to your doctor to make sure it is okay to begin moderate exercises. Swimming is also good because it strengthens the abdomen, back and shoulders. These muscles will help post-mastectomy women carry their weight more easily.





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