November 03, 2008

From Kashif Khan

Six humans trapped by circumstances,

in bleak and bitter cold.

Each one possessed a stick of wood,

or so the story told.


Their dying fire in need of logs,

the first man held his back,

for, of the faces around the fire,

he noticed one man of different colour.


The next man looking across the way,

saw one not of his church,

and couldn't bring himself

to give the fire his stick of birch.


The third one sat in tattered clothes

he gave his coat a hitch.

Why should his log be put to use,

to warm the idle rich?


The rich man just sat back

and thought of the wealth he had in store,

and how to keep what he had earned

from the lazy, shiftless poor.


The coloured man's face bespoke revenge

as the fire passed from his sight,

for all he saw in his stick of wood,

was a chance to spite the white.


The last man of this forlorn group

did naught except for gain,

giving only to those who gave,

was how he played the game.


Their logs held tight in death's still hand,

was proof of human sin.


They didn't die from the cold without,

they died from the cold within.


Prime Spot!!!


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