THE BIRDS, a lesson on perseverance

January 11, 2010
Have you ever watched birds, when they have to face adverse circumstances?

They spend day after day weaving their nests, collecting building materials, sometimes brought from distant places… and when it is almost ready and they are prepared to lay eggs, actions of the weather, human beings or other animals destroy the nest which was built with so much care, effort and love. What does the bird do?

Does it stop and give up? No, not at all!

It starts all over and over again, until the first eggs are laid in the nest. Many times, just before chicks are born, an animal, a child, a storm once again destroys the nest, but now with its precious contents. hurts starting from zero… But in spite of it all, the bird never hushes or gives up, carries on singing and building, building and singing. Have you ever felt that your life, your work, your family, your friends, are not what you dreamt of? Do you feel like saying: "That’s enough, it is not worth the effort, this is too much for me?"

Are you tired of starting over and over again the struggle of everyday life, the betrayed trust, the failed dreams, the broken promises, the un-reached goals, when you were almost getting there. Even if life hurts you again and again, do not give up! Pray and put your hopes in front of you and go forward! Do not worry if you get scarred in this process, it is something you can expect.

Collect all the bits and pieces of your broken hopes and dreams, put them together, and go forward again. It does not matter how many obstacles you have to overcome. Do not loose courage. Trust Allah and keep on going in faith. Life is a constant challenge, but it is worth accepting it…

And above all… Like the birds… Keep on singing!


Prime Spot!!!


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