Annisa Essack |
19 May 2023 | 11:30 CAT
3 min read

Ebrahim Fakir joined Ml Sulaimaan Ravat to discuss the US Ambassador’s allegations about South Africa providing arms to Russia. He then retracted the allegations and was given a dressing down by Minster of International Affairs, Naledi Pandor.
According to Fakir, South Africa has become a pawn in an international game as he was sceptical about South Africa’s ability to sell arms to the Russians. He added that it is the hope that South Africa is not selling arms to the Russians as this would infringe on South Africa’s non-alignment stance.
A commission of inquiry has now been set up to investigate the matter.
Fakir questioned the time chosen for the allegations and that the US would perpetuate untruths to exercise leverage or for strategic advantage.
He also alluded to the American’s warning about an attack on Sandton last year that did not occur, and no evidence was ever provided. This could point to them trying to get South Africa to take a side in the Russia-Ukraine war.
As a consequence could lose its status under the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), a lucrative foreign trade mechanism that gives preferential market with specific tariffs to South African exports to the US.
He believed South Africa was a pawn not just of the US but also of Russian manipulation. He referred to the warrant of arrest that had been put out for Omar Al Basheer, which South Africa did not adhere to and again, South Africa finds itself in the same situation with Putin.
He announced an Africa-Russia Summit in addition to the BRICS Summit and then made a public statement saying that, together with President Ramaphosa, although South Africa is non-aligned, there was to be a strong partnership in trade and aid. Fakir says that South Africa is being used as a football.
South Africa has no official line or action in place, and international actors see the country as one for hire and is caught up in the middle.
Moving closer to home, Fakir responded to questions about the change of mayor in Johannesburg and the coalition. He added that being unpredictable was the EFF’s strategy, leaving others in the dark on any issue, allowing them to exploit the situation and get anything they want.
So, although they will work with the ANC now, they will use the instability within the ANC, which is split on how to work with the EFF.
But this relationship will be a “wait and see game” as we go toward the upcoming election.
Listen to the full interview with Sulaimaan Ravat on Sabahul Muslim here