November 06, 2007
man participated in the taraweeh but did not fast without any legal excuse. Will his taraweeh salaah be valid?
A: His taraweeh salaah is valid and he will deserve recompense but he is a great sinner and defaulter for not fasting. [Mufti Abdur Rahim]
Q: Should a minor point out the imaam's mistake in the taraweeh salaah, does it invalidate the salaah?   
A: When the minor boy is participating in salaah and then he prompts, the salaah is proper and will not be invalidated. [Mufti Abdur Rahim]
Q: Is it necessary to start Taraweeh from the 1st of Ramadhaan?
A: There are two Sunnahs in Taraweeh: 1. To perform 20 Rakaats every night of Ramadhaan. This applies to the first of Ramadhaan as well. 2. To recite the entire Qur'aan in Taraweeh at least once in the entire month. This recitation of the entire Qur'aan may commence and complete on any chosen date, provided that at least one entire recitation of the whole Qur'aan is made in Taraweeh Salaah. [Mufti Ebrahim Desai]

Q: During Ramadan, if 1 juz (1/30) is being recited every night, can the first quarter of the juz be recited during the Fard of Isha, and the remaining ¾ juz divided into the 20 rakaats of Taraweeh? Please explain.
A:  It is sunnah to recite the entire Quraan in taraweeh. If quarter juz is recited in Esha salaah, the sunnah of reciting the entire Quraan in taraweeh will not be fulfilled.  [Mufti Ebrahim Desai]

Q: I have missed my Fard Esha salaah in the Masjid. Taraweeh has commenced, What do I do?
A: Perform the Fard salaah first. Only thereafter, you should join the Taraweeh salaah. The missed taraweeh rak'ahs must be performed after the Witr salaah.
Q: Are fasting persons allowed to undergo special investigations?
a) Blood samples are allowed to be taken for investigation whilst fasting.
b) Any investigation requiring invasion via the natural orifices into the Jawf-al-badan ie. abdomen, such as endoscopies, sigmoidoscopies, baruim investigations etc., including pap smears, internal gynaecological examinations are not allowed in the fasting state.
Q: Can minor procedures be carried out under anaesthetic without breaking the fast?
A: If these procedures, such as drainage of an abscess or setting of a fracture are carried under local anaesthetic, they are permissible. General anaesthesia with loss of consciousness will cause the fast to be broken and qadhaa fast will have to be observed.  [Source: Fasting and the patient-IMA]
Q: I intend to observe I'tikaaf during the last ten days(of Ramadhaan) but I do not have the strength to fast. Is, therefore, the observing of i'tikaaf without fasting correct or not?
A: Fasting is a condition for the traditional (masnoon) Sunnah I'tikaaf of the last ten days, hence, I'tikaaf without fasting is supererogatory (nafl). It will then be nafl I'tkiaaf and not the masnoon sunnah I'tikaaf. [Mufti Abdur Rahman]
Q: On account of some ailment a woman inserts a small pack of medicine or tampon in her private parts after breaking the fast and removes it the next day at the same time. Can she insert it during day in the state of fasting and remove it after breaking the fast? Will the fast be affected in both the conditions?
A: The fast will not be affected if the medicine is inserted in the private parts before the beginning of the fast, but it will be invalidated if it is inserted during the state of fasting. [Mufti Abdur Rahim]
Suppositories and Pessaries: These are not allowed while fasting. These can be used if inserted once or twice daily and should therefore be used before suhoor and/or after iftar. [IMA- Fasting and the Patient]
Q: Does swallowing of saliva break the fast ?
A: Saliva is the natural secretion of the mouth and if swallowed will not break the fast. However, the deliberate accumulation of saliva in the mouth and swallowing it (presumably to quench the thirst) is wrong and invalidates the fast. [Source: Fasting and the Patient- IMA]
Q: Can Extraction of teeth or dental procedures be done while fasting ?
A: These are allowed while one is fasting , but great care must be taken that no material is swallowed. If water, blood, food particles, released plaque, or filling matter is accidentally swallowed, then the fast will be broken. It is generally advised, in view of the above, that one should avoid these procedures while fasting. [Source: Fasting and the Patient- IMA]

Q: Is there any significance about death in the holy month of Ramadhaan? Should a person consider such death to be of a good omen for the deceased? Are sins of such a person forgiven?
A: We have not come across any reference of significance of dying in the month of Ramadhaan. However, Ramadhaan is a month of Allah's special mercy and we hope the deceased becomes a recipient of that special mercy by being forgiven by Allah. May Allah Ta'ala grant us an honourable death and forgive us as we are full of sins and shortcomings. We depend only upon His mercy upon us. and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best.  [Mufti Ebrahim Desai]

Q: I will be on the plane during Iftar time of Ramadhaan on 21st November. To break the fast by iftar, should I follow the local time of departing station or time of next station?
A: In principle, the time for Iftaar (breaking fast) is sunset. You should make Iftaar wherever you witness sunset, whether at the departing station or even while on the plane. The departing or arriving station is not a criteria for Iftaar. The criteria is sunset. and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best.  [Mufti Ebrahim Desai]

Q: Can you wear clear contact lenses during Ramadhaan, will it break the fast?
A:  Wearing contact lenses is not prohibited during fasting.  [Mufti Ebrahim Desai]
Q: Will the wearing of lipstick or any other type of make up break the fast. Please specify which types of make up Lipstick and make up do not break the fast.
A: However, you should consider two issues:
a) Many of these products contain Haraam and impure ingredients. In such a case, it will not be permissible to use such a make up.
b) Many of such products prevent water from reaching the skin. In such a case the Wudhu or Ghusl performed with such make up on will not be valid.  Nevertheless, the fast is not broken. and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best.  [Moulana Imraan Vawda]
Q: Is marriage allowed during Ramadhaan?
A: Performing Nikah during Ramadhaan is permissible. [Moulana Imraan Vawda]


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