September 08, 2008

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah Sallallhu Alyhi Wa Sallam used to urge (the people) to perform (optional Tarawih) prayer at night during the month of Ramadan. He did not order them or make it obligatory on them. He Sallallhu Alyhi Wa Sallam said, "Whosoever performs (optional Tarawih) prayers at night during the month of Ramadan, with Faith and in the hope of receiving Allah's reward, will have his past sins forgiven.'' [Muslim]

Commentary: This Hadith highlights the following points:

1. Qiyam in the month of Ramadan is a much-stressed act and has great importance from the viewpoint of reward and award.

2. The sins which are pardoned through it are minor sins because major sins are not forgiven unless one makes sincere repentance and compensates those whom he has wronged.

3. That Qiyam during the month of Ramadan was the practice of the Prophet Sallallhu Alyhi Wa Sallam. During the course of a Ramadan, he made Qiyam for three nights consecutively, that is, he performed this Nafl Salaah in congregation with his Companions. On the fourth night, when his Companions gathered for this purpose he said to them, "I am afraid it will be made obligatory for you.'' So, in spite of their desire to join him in this prayer, he did not lead the Salaah that night.

4. This Nafl Salaah has been interpreted in Ahadith as Qiyam Ramadan. Later on they were named Tarawih. Tarawih is the plural of Tarwihah. Since the Companions of the Prophet Sallallhu Alyhi Wa Sallam and the successors to the Companions used to make a lengthy Qiyam in them and they would take rest after performing every four Rak`ah. This is how these came to be named Tarawih (Rest prayer). (Four Rak`ah are called Tarwihah).

5. In Tarawih, that is Qiyam Ramadan, lengthy Qiyam is Masnun, but it must be borne in mind that the Qur'an must be recited according to the principles of `Ilm-ut-Tajwid with clear and distinct voice at a slow pace. Many of the Qurra recite so fast that it is hard for one to understand, let alone concentrate on what is being recited. Such recitation is a means of retribution rather than reward.


Prime Spot!!!


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