Syria in desperate need of eye specialists – The mirror effect

December 19, 2016

Yusuf Omar – Opinion | 19 December 2016.

With the recent disastrous events in Syria, Aleppo in particular, the locals of that region are in urgent need of assistance from Muslims, nay humans, around the globe. Like those suffering in Syria, we often ask “what is the Ummah doing about it?” We sometimes wonder why are governments around the world so quiet. We ponder over how the Arab league and its allies sleep at night. We even slam the scholars “enough with the lengthy Bayaans, get off the Mimbar and do something about it!” If you thinking “Yea, such words do come out from my mouth” then it’s time to become an eye specialist, time to embrace the mirror effect.

“What is this?” you ask. Very simple, look in the mirror and ask “What am ‘I’ doing about it?” That is how one becomes an ‘I’ specialist. The need of the time is for each one of us to stop worrying about what everybody else is doing and become an ‘I’ specialist. I know it sounds harsh but the only reason I’m telling you this is because I embraced the mirror effect and told it to myself first. This is a summary of how it went…

“Yusuf, stop your bickering. Will Allah ask you about the Arab league on the Day of Qiyaamat? No. Will you be punished for Iran’s involvement? No. Can you fly to Moscow and destroy Russia’s military wing? No. Can you make Dua? Yes. Can you give charity? Yes. Can you write an article about what you doing so others can do the same? Yes. ”

Obviously, it’s pointless I tell you to go somewhere but I fail to give directions. Therefore, I have come up with a list of acts that we can do. By following this list, inshaAllah, the world can be full of eye specialists, something that Syria, Palestine, Burma and many other countries are desperately in need of. Spiritual and practical acts are both important. For this reason, I have included both on the list.



By far the most important and lethal weapon in the hands of a Muslim. Sometimes, I underestimate Dua. It’s my weakness. But we need to understand that without this act, every other act on this list will lack power. We often hear of the amazing victory at Badr when 313 Sahaaba R.A. defeated an army of 1000. What we don’t realise is that the night prior to that battle, Nabi S.A.W. sat up for hours in Dua. He knew that without Dua, the efforts of the army will be less effective. There is no need to make an Arabic Dua or to sing it out in a beautiful tune. Just imagine that you are speaking to the one man who has total control over the war. He can make one phone call and stop everything. He also has a very kind heart. You lucky enough to sit alone with him in his office and speak to him. What will you ask him? Whatever you answered is exactly what you should ask in your Dua.


Charity, or Sadaqa as it is commonly referred to, has a very powerful effect. It has the ability to divert calamities and it has the ability to draw the power and mercy of Allah. What is important here is to understand that when it comes to charity, Allah looks at quality, not quantity. If I have a million rand (Make Dua for me) and you have ten thousand rand, and I give ten thousand rand in charity while you give thousand rand, whos charity has greater power? Yours! Why? Because I gave 1% of my wealth while you gave 10% of your wealth. Keeping this in mind, don’t worry about what the wealthy are giving, let’s look into our own pockets and worry about what we are giving.

Various other deeds

There are various other actions that we could do to help the people of Syria. Hopefully, in the future, I might write an article that deals with each of these actions individually. Among these actions are 2 Rakaats of Nafl Salaah. Once again, you don’t have to be a saint. Just a simple 2 Rakaats with the intention of Nafl Salaatul Hajaat with some Dua after the Salaah. Our Deen is so simple. Sometimes, we make it difficult for ourselves. Also, Istighfaar. We learn from Hadith that Istighfaar removes calamities and takes one out of a difficult situation.



May Allah reward those that are involved in relief work. Really, they make life so easy for us. They are taking donations to war torn countries, we just have to put our contributions forward. Whether it’s money, clothes or food, take out a little and donate for the pleasure of Allah. This is one practical way by which you can make a difference. Sometimes, we doubt if our contributions are making a difference. We need to keep in mind that when hospitals and schools etc. are being built in those countries, it’s your contribution that is making a difference. That one brick on that hospital wall or that one box of chalk in that classroom came from your pocket. That little cute pink jersey that is loved and treasured by that orphan came from your cupboard. That’s the difference that you made. It never stopped a war but it created a smile, even though just for a while. You might not see it, but Allah sees it. Now, it’s up to you to do the research and find out which organisation you comfortable with. I can’t tell you that. I don’t want to be known as the writer who stole your money.

Use your skills

This is another very important act that most of us overlook. After reading my introduction to this article, if you asked “If no one worries about the various organisations, scholars and governments etc. then who will push them forward?” then your answer is coming up right now. Use your skill, qualification and profession to make a difference. If you are a senior scholar, then it is your duty to worry about the fraternity. If you are in the legal profession, then focus on the violations of human rights from a legal perspective. The whole world can cry human rights violation but until the legal profession don’t cry it, it means nothing. If you in the medical field, you can make a difference using your skills. Join the groups going there, or even advice other doctors that will be making the trip. Remember how that Aalim annoyed you because he is only giving Bayaans and nothing else. Well guess what? That is his profession and skill, that’s his way of making a difference. Even if you are a painter, how about offering your services to an organisation that is involved in aiding war victims. Paint a room or two for free. You ask “Why?” I ask “Why not?” Won’t it somehow link up? Now they don’t have to employ a painter so more money can be used for relief work. Am I making sense? The point is, whatever skill you have, use it. Let those in media spread the word. Let writers write, let speakers speak, let I.T. technicians help in setting up awareness websites. Which brings me to my next point…


I think from all the points mentioned here, this one is most commonly practiced. If you did spread awareness in any way, whether on social media or community groups etc. then tap yourself on the back, you deserve it. But there’s a need for more so I included this point. Sometimes we should give credit also for what is being done. What you think? Anyways, there’s various ways by which we can spread awareness. The use of social media is probably the most effective method right now but there are other ways. Whatsapp status, profile pic, discussion amongst friends and the list goes on. I love when people spread awareness. It shows that people want to do something. It shows that humanity is alive and kicking. I just feel that spreading awareness while ignoring the other points mentioned in this article won’t have much of an effect. Like the post of a girl being raped on Facebook. Millions liked the post but that girl is still suffering alone. I hope you get my point. Awareness is powerful when done with other forms of assistance. One way of spreading awareness is by sharing this article.

Well, there you have it. How we can all become ‘I’ specialists. I hope you enjoyed the read. More than that, I hope we can all take some benefit from this piece.

Yusuf Omar resides in South Africa and holds a BA in Islamic sciences. He is currently a writer/presenter at Radio Islam. He loves playing with words and has an interest in fine arts. He also believes in mermaids. Check out some of his other articles here. Interact with him on Twitter and Instagram.


Prime Spot!!!


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