Statement on the Misguided Group: ISIS

August 27, 2015

By Sheikh Dr. Saleh Ibn Humaid – 29 Shawaal 1436

His Eminence Sheikh Dr. Saleh Ibn Humaid –May Allah protect him– delivered this Friday Khutbah entitled “Statement on the Misguided Group: ISIS.” The Sheikh exposed the specious arguments of the contemporary Kharijites, their deviant practices and their false ideology. He equally drew attention to their salient traits, cited most of their specious arguments, capitalised on their inherent fallacies, and provided a scientific point-by-point rebuttal. Besides, he addressed the youth, telling them that they should return to the Book of Allah, the Sunnah, and to the renowned Muslim scholars, and simply ignore the false claims of tendentious people.

Praise be to Allah! Praise be to Allah, Mighty in strength and Severe in punishment! Glory be to Him. I show gratitude to Him and I bear witness that there is no deity except Allah alone with no associate, a testimony whereby its utterer hopes for a safe destiny on the Day of Judgement. I also bear witness that our Master and Prophet Muhammad is the Servant and Messenger of Allah. He is endowed with a noble character. May Allah send His Salat (Graces, Honours, and Mercy), Peace and Blessingupon him, his family, his Companions, the Tabi’in (the contemporaries of the Companions of the Prophet [May Allah’s Salat and Peace be upon him] after his death), and all those follow in their footsteps till the day we all return unto Allah!

Now then! O People! I exhort you, as well as myself, to observe taqwa of Allah (fear of disobeying Him). Do adhere to Taqwa‒May Allah have mercy on you! In fact, adhering to taqwa is the access point to whatever is good. This is why Allah has pledged to salvage those who observe it from whatever they are frightened of, guaranteed their livelihood which is obtained effortlessly, granted them remission of sinful acts, increased their recompense, and made their lives much easier:

“O You who Believe! If you obey and fear Allâh, He will grant you Furqân [(a criterion to judge between right and wrong), or (Makhraj, i.e. making a way for you to get out from every difficulty)], and will expiate for you your sins, and forgive you, and Allâh is the Owner of the Great Bounty.” [Al-Anfal: 29]

O Muslims!

Without making any further introduction and going straight to the point, here is a statement about the misguided and misguiding group, referred to as ISIS and self-named the Islamic State.

It is a statement addressed to Muslims in general and to the youth in particular. May Allah guide us all to the Truth, make our intentions good, and enable us to serve Him alone without hypocrisy! He is truly All-Hearing, All-Responsive!

O Muslims!

This misguided group has its own supporters and its active media. It has instilled confusion into people’s minds and muddled up youngsters’ ideas through propagating fabricated claims and sheer lies.

ISIS is a wrongful group which fosters corruption and indulges in cold-blooded murder. It has combined two evils: corrupt method and offensive conduct. As known even to common people, it is sponsored by some regional and international authorities.

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters!

All Muslims without exception –both scholars and the laypeople– know perfectly well that the major feature characterising the Kharijites is that they accuse Muslims of disbelief. They had even accused the Prophet’s Companions –May Allah be pleased with them all‒ of disbelief. They kill the followers of Islam but spare the lives of idolaters.

ISIS, the misguided group, has adopted the same method as the one followed by the Kharijites. They have accused Muslims and countries of disbelief. They have accused whoever fights them, even the (opposition) military factions in hot spots. They have called infidel and accused of apostasy whoever fights or opposes them. We really invoke divine might to help us endure all this. We do take refuge in Allah from misguidance and failure.

For them, Muslims are categorised into originaldisbelievers, apostates or hypocrites. According to their official spokesman, Al-Adnani, beheading an apostate is more favoured to them than beheading one thousand crusaders. Conversely, the divine scholar, Judge Abu Al- Walid Al-Baji –May Allah bless his soul– affirms: “Error in sparing the lives of one thousand infidels is more tolerable than error in shedding a cupful of just one Muslim’s blood.”1 Just compare the two jurisprudential positions and contrast the two approaches to religiosity.

Worse still, these misguided people boast that their favourite beverage is human blood and their most intimate companionsare torn-off limbs (of slaughtered victims). They find no better drink which they can savour than blood. This is indeed what their official spokesman said. May Allah fail them and spare the Ummah their evils!

Once you see the sanctified blood streams shed by those people in Islamic territories and in hotspots across the region and once you observe their manoeuvres and deviant fatwas appended by their justificatory arguments, you will then realise how much they hate, envy and abhor the followers of Islam.

O Muslims!

They claim that whoever holds opposing views or fights them has committed an act of apostasy, which implies his abandonment of Islam and desertion of the Islamic faith. Their official statement literally reads: “Whoever combats us is an infidel.” They still keep on saying that although they claim that they are implementing divine laws ordained and revealed by Allah.

In fact, the acts or statements conducive to the abandonment of Islam are quite known to all the followers of Islam. This is one of the most delicate issues amply dealt with by Muslim scholars. In reality, nobody from any of the Muslim denominations (or sects) has ever said that the sheer act of opposition is tantamount to unbelief. Therefore, such a claim is simply prompted by personal whims, ignorance, unfairness, and fanaticism.

So, would it be acceptable to remain silent vis-à-vis such prejudicial misconceptions about the issues of apostasy, bloodshed, and ruling in accordance with divine law? How could even their supporters and affiliated groups remain silent about all that? We do resort to Allah Almighty to be inspired with strength and endurance to face such a calamity!

May Allah bless the soul of the Sheikh of Islam, Ibn Taymiyah, who said: “The type of Jihad undertaken by someone who, out of fanatic armed militancy, forms a military group and considers affiliation with it or disengagement from it as the criterion of loyalty or enmity–respectively– is simply a Jihad in the cause of Satan.” This becomes all the more true when it has to do with considering anyone who fights this group an apostate or a disbeliever.

O Muslims!

One of their dubious statements is the following: “No slacker (in times of Jihad) is entitled to issue a fatwa about a mujahid (afighter in the cause of Allah).” Praisethe Lord! How can verbal eloquence blur their perception of such a twisted meaning! In fact, throughout the glorious history of Islamic Jihad, none of the Muslim scholars has ever said something similar to their allegations. The question is: Were all Muslim scholars stationed at the front line of armed encounters and the forefront of battlefields during the times of Jihad?!

Can we call what these people are doing Jihad in the cause of Allah? Were all the mujahedeen scholars? Are there any scholars among those pseudo-mujahedeen? Don’t slackers (in times of Jihad) have their own excuses? Has not Allah said the following about the mujahedeen and theslackers (non-mujahedeen)?

“…Unto each, Allâh has promised good (Paradise),… “[Al-Nissa’: 95]

If, for the sake of argument, what they are currently engaged in is called Jihad, is it anindividual obligation (for which each Muslim is individually accountable to Allah)?

Moreover, aren’t these people aware that when Allah –Glory be to Him– called Muslims, in the same Qur’anicsurah (chapter) and on the same occasion of divine revelation, to general mobilisation (i.e. Jihad in His cause), he did supplement it with a call to mobilise Muslims for learning about their religion. The surahis calledAl-Tawbah (also called the Exposing Surah) which was revealed during the famous crisis called Hardships Time. Thus, Allah –Sublime be He– said on the topic of Jihad:

“March forth, whether you are light (being healthy, young and wealthy) or heavy (being ill, old and poor), strive hard with your wealth and your lives in the Cause of Allâh…” [Al-Tawbah: 41]

He equally said concerning the pursuit of religious knowledge:

“And it is not (proper) for the believers to go out to fight (Jihâd) all together. Of every troop of them, a party only should go forth, that they (who are left behind) may get instructions in (Islâmic) religion, and that they may warn their people when they return to them, so that they may beware (of evil).” [Al-Tawbah: 122]

To Allah we raise our complaint? We do seek refuge in Allah from all misguidance! O beloved brothers and sisters!

Another unique feature typical ofISIS, currently following in the footsteps of the Kharijites, is its constant fabrication of lies. In this regard, ISIS has even outperformed the Kharijites! We have never seen any similar group which tells more lies and adopts a worse doctrine than them. They constantly insult and curse others. They are also moody people. In general, we have never seen a similar group in terms of defamatory accusations addressed to other people. There are members among their followers and supporters who even get confused about that or just try to chase out suspicions and strive to remain silent.

These scandalous accounts and lies are manifest in their contradictory communiqués. They have even called for mubāhalah (i.e. litigants gather and invoke Allah to inflict curse on the transgressor) and mulā’anah (i.e. in the presence of a judge, each litigant is invited to take the oath and accept that the liar be accursed). This has been divulged by someone who deserted the group after Allah salvaged him and helped him regain his reason. Thus, he exposed many of their ways and means.

O Ummah of Islam!

Another aspect of their contradictions and lies is their claim that they do not accuse their opponents of disbelief. Their official spokesman resorted to mubāhalah and invoked Allah to inflict curse on him in case he was telling lies. Then, just one year later, he retracted his announcement. Allah has exposed his disengagement when he said: “Beware! When you wage war against the Islamic State, you will knowingly or unknowinglyfall intodisbelief.” This is what he said literally. Thus, they accuse of disbelief anyone waging war against them, knowing that they had previously invoked divine curse on the offender through mubāhalah.

O Brothers and Sisters!

A further aspect of their lies and contradictions is their pretence that targeting marketplaces, mosques, and the Holy Qur’an of the Sunni Muslims is a red line. Swearing by Allah Almighty, they used to affirm the sanctity of all the above-mentioned elements. They used to affirm that “blasting Sunni mosquesisamongtheworsttreacherous acts.” I am here quoting them.

Nevertheless, they later indulged in accusing certain countries and governments of disbelief. As a result, they have set fire to mosques and to the Holy Book (i.e. the Qur’an). Notice how they have retreated from their vows and audaciously claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing that blasted a mosque inside theSpecial Forces headquarters in Abha (KSA), as they did to other mosques before. May Allah inflict on them whatever (curse) they deserve!

We hereby denounce all blasting and destruction perpetrated by whoever it might be and for whatsoever reason.

It is to be noted that scholars, intellectuals and analysts believe that ISIS has the worst record in violating the rules of Sharia, disrespecting religious texts, and ignoring scholars and learned people, and disdaining the Revelation (the Holy Qur’an) as well as the rules of Islamic religion.

O Muslims!

This is just a brief account of their story. We have presented here indicators of an imminent disaster. O you, enthusiastic youth! I am addressing you, young people, who aspire to truth, salvation, deliverance, and sincerity! These are only some points of their thought and strategy. These are their methods, and these are their lies and baffling plots.

O You, our Children! O you, our youth! O you, the delight of our eyes! O you who seek to champion religion, empower the Ummah, and unite its position! Beware of being misguided by those liars who exploit the youth’s enthusiasm for the empowerment and glory of their Ummah.

O You, righteous youth!

Observe taqwa through protecting yourselves. Thereal issue now is the shedding of human blood, the accusation of Muslims of disbelief, and the Ummah that is being weakened.

Pause for a while‒May Allah protect you! Reflect sincerely for a moment! Be sincere with yourselves! In fact, being called to accounts and appearing before Allah on Doomsday is quite imminent! Do you know how your death will be like?

Pause for a moment to supplicate Allah in total sincerity, obedience, and entreaty. Do address your Lord and implore Him to guide you to the Truth, to show you truth as such and assist you to follow it, and to show you falsehood as such and help you avoid it.

Do consult reliable, trustworthylearnedpeople. Contact Muslimscholars. Never hesitate! The issue is that of our religion, Ummah, shed blood, destiny, and of the fact that we will be later (in the Hereafter) brought to account before Allah.

What will those assassins do vis-à-vis the killed Muslim’s shahadah (testimony): “There is no deity but Allah,” when he comes with it on the Day of Resurrection?! What will they do with regard to accusing Muslims of unbelief?! What will they do with regard to causing division within the Ummah?! What will they do with regard to rendering it vulnerable to its enemies?! What will they do with regard to causing its youth to go astray?!

Allah (Alone) is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs (for us)!

O Son –May Allah protect you! Beware not to put your own life at risk! Betheloyalfollowers of the Ulema (religious scholars) as they are the ones whorestore the Ummah’s faith when it decays; they are Allah’s evidence against His servants. Also, bear in mind that those Ulema, upon explaining the truth to people, they do not seek favours or satisfaction from anyone, neither do they fear anybody, whoever he may be. Rather, they put themselves in harm’s way when they speak against such people, issue fatwasto lay bare their approach, and speak out loud revealing the aberrance of their path.

Yes, beware –May Allah protect you!Beware! Our Prophet (May Allah’s Salat and Peace be upon him) said: “Whoever helps to kill a believer, even with half a word, he will meet Allah with the following words written between his eyes, ‘No hope of getting Allah’s mercy.”

Whenever you are involved with them, encouraging and supporting them, or commending their deeds, then you are their accomplice in killing Muslims, justifying what they are doing, and misleading Muslim youth. Thus, you shall be –I swear by Allah– a bearer of a heavy burden before Allah on the Day of Resurrection. Indeed, it is there, before Allah, that all disputing parties shall meet.

Beware O You –May Allah protect you– not to be among those generally comprised in the meaning of the following verse:

“Ah! Woe to me! Would that I had never taken so-and-so as a Khalil (an intimate friend). He indeed led me astray from the reminder (this Quran) after it had come to me, and Satan is to man ever a deserter in the hour of need.”[Al-Furqan: 28-29]”

Also, bear in mind –May Allah protect you– that he who blows himself up will have committed a double sin: the first is taking a believing life:”And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell to abide therein; and the Wrath and the Curse of Allâh are upon him, and a great punishment is prepared for him.” [Al-Nissa’: 93], and the second is committing suicide. It is mentioned in the two Sahihs that “whoever kills himself with something, he will be punished with it in the Hereafter.”

In order for you to perceive the horror and gravity of this issue, just take a look at this person who engaged Jihad along with the Messenger of Allah (May Allah’s Salat and Peace be upon him), thereby joining together the honour of his companionship and that of Jihad, but who happened to steal and hoard a shamlah (a cheap cloak) during the conquest. Listen to the text as quoted in the two Sahihs by Abu Hurairah –May Allah be pleased with him– in the Khaibar Conquest. He narrated that a man was hit by an arrow and killed. The people around him said: ‘Congratulationson hisattaining martyrdom!’ Then, the Messenger of Allah (May Allah’s Salat and Peace be upon him) said: “Nay, not so. By Him in Whose Hand is the life of Muhammad, the shamlah which he stole from the booty on the day of Khaibar but which did not (legitimately) fall to his lot is burning like the Fire (of Hell) on him.” [An agreed-upon Hadith]

Yes, O Youth –May Allah protect you! One may feel resentful towards particular instances of injustice. One may also reproach certain (religious) scholars. However, this is no reason for undertaking such grave acts of aggression that have brought humiliation to the Ummah and caused within it much bloodshed, division and displacement.

Even if true, such claims would not do you any good the day you meet your Lord. Allah Almighty says:”But stop them, verily they are to be questioned.”[Al- Saffat: 24]

Let it be known to you –May Allah protect you– that injustice, aggression, egoism, partisanship, and fanaticism are all features of those (criminals) that have prevented them from seeing the truth and learning it, and from making recourse to those competent and godly scholars in this country and elsewhere in the Muslim world who have dedicated their lives to Islam, knowledge, righteousness, and piety.

Those have had ignorant leaders who have issued baseless fatwas. As a result, they have gone astray and have made others stray along with them. This is not to mention their use of double standards when it comes to sanctioning Fatwas.They would commend and acknowledge those who issue fatwas that would serve their interests. However, those who don’t would be indicted even though they may be counted among the Mujahedeen.

Dear brothers and sisters in faith,

One of the blessings Allah has bestowed on this Ummah is that its Ulema, despite their differences in thought and approach, have all agreed that this group is a stray and aberrant one and that they are the ones about whom the Prophet (May Allah’s Salat and Peace be upon him) said, “They are the dogs (the lowest) of the Hellfire people,” and “So when you meet them, kill them, for in their killing you would get a reward on the Day of Judgment.” [An agreed-upon Hadith]

The Prophet (May Allah’s Salat and Peace be upon him) is also reported to have said in this respect:“If I should live up to their time’ I will kill them as the people of ‘Ad were killed (i.e. I will kill all of them).” [An agreed-upon Hadith]

It is the obligation of all scholars, thinkers, Imams, speakers, teachers, and all of those positioned to offer advice and counsel in order to lay bare the reality of such a group so that everybody may know it. They are an evil plight with which the Ummah has been afflicted; they have shed its blood, instigated division among its people, made it vulnerable to its enemies, corrupted its youth, wasted its resources and stripped it off of its prestige.

Thanks to the modern means of communication, people have been able to know about their atrocities and oppression, their shedding of sanctified blood, their extremism in charging with unbelief those who disagree with them, whoever they may be, and their aggression against them, in addition to their dubious relations with certain regimes, organizations, and parties throughout the region and the world.

Now then ‒May Allah protect you!

You must know that this is a passing divine test that shall soon blow over by Allah’s Will and Might. This is the way Allah has decreed it to be for all of those who have chosen to follow the religion of the Kharijites and proceed along their path. Here, the Prophet (May Allah’s Salat and Peace be upon him said): “Whenever a group of them appears, it should be cut off (i.e. killed).”

And Allah is predominant over His affair, but most of the people do not know it.

We seek refuge in Allah against the accursed Satan:

“So do not become weak (against your enemy), nor be sad, and you will be superior (in victory) if you are indeed (true) believers. If a wound (and killing) has touched you, be sure a similar wound (and killing) has touched the others. And so are the days (good and not so good), We give to men by turns, that Allâh may test those who believe, and that He may take martyrs from among you. And Allâh likes not the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers).”[Al Imran: 139-140]

May Allah grant you and me benefit from the Holy Qur’an and from the Guidance of Prophet Muhammad (May Allah’s Salat and Peace be upon him). I say what you have just heard and I ask Allah to forgive your sins and mistakes, mine and those of all Muslims, so do ask Him for forgiveness as He is the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful!


Prime Spot!!!


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