SOMALIA travel Diary of Ml Yusuf Omar, Mon, 04.10.11

October 04, 2011
As the world speaks and marvels over its showcase of light, its magnificent scenery and its endless shopping adventures, the Emirate's capital, Dubai, is by far the pride of the 21st century. Its elegance is proof that the modern orld has the ability to intoxicate. However it was something much more impressive that caught my attention that morning. A scene worth a thousand words. The beauty of which turned the elegant surroundings dull.
Its pure radiance darkened its surroundings as if a from above focused on it. It was in Terminal 2 at 1:30am as i sat on the airport bench whilst the Al-Imdaad Team was busy confirming our visas for Mogadishu. Sitting about three seats away from us was a Somalian youngster who sported an average height, an average weight and classical somalian features. Travellinjg fatigue coupled with a tummy ache (most probably due to consumption of soft drinks during the flight) prevented me from paying any attention to the youngster.
However, the urge and thirst of speaking to mogadishu's people before stepping on its soil got the better of the group as they asked the usual "How are you?" and Where you going?" questions. The boy's reply in rather broken english was that he is waiting for his mum and dad but still my tummy prevented me from paying any attention. A few minutes later the boys family walked pass our group and it was a t this moment that my natural camera captured an image that will last in my memories forever.
The boy's father, possibly 60+, dressed in full Sunnah. The two females that walked besides him struck the scene like lightning. Their entire bodies wrapped in hijaab. A cloak that flowed right down the ankles, gloves that covered the hands, even the doorway to the heart, the eyes, covered and protected from the lustful gaze.
If it were not for their male counterparts, one would not make out the colour of their skin let alone where they were from. Bear in mind, I didnt stare at them but like i said, it was an image that portrayed humility and modesty in its purest form. An image that will last in the memories forever.
I thought to myself, what an excellent people! There is so much we can learn from somalia's people. Steadfast on Deen under the worst possible conditions. Here in our midst sat a family whose mere presence taught me plenty values in life. The modern world ripped this country apart. It tore down their homes, their resources and their economy, but after years of effort, it failed to capture a treasure worth more than the riches of this world…
Somalia's modesty, contentment and patience. I realised the gluttenous enemy would never get the upper hand on families that posessed such qualities….and thats when it hit me, the country, nay, this Ummah will forever cause the enemies teeth to grind as long as it endures difficulty with patience, appreciates its bounties with contentment and spreads the Deen with modesty. Reminds me of a saying… "Opt for good over beauty…because not everything beautiful is good…..but everything good is beautiful"


Prime Spot!!!


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