Soccer Crosses – An insult to Allah’s Majesty

October 21, 2009
A sad indictment on the state of the Ummah’s Imān and knowledge is the wearing of garments with the Cross – even in the Masjid – under the pretext of supporting certain soccer teams. Included in Shirk is displaying or respecting symbols of Shirk such as the Cross.

What needs to be understood is that in the matter of Shirk the mere display of such symbols is in itself a sin, and cannot be condoned on the excuse of a non-Shirk intention. Who would display a “beautifully” carved idol in the Masjid with the intention of adornment? Who would erect a statue of Mary on the pretext that the Qurān reveres Maryam?

… It is only a flag
Yes, it is a flag, but a flag of what? Let us examine the crests of the four most famous
teams who display the Cross:
• Barcelona
• England
• Portugal
• Brazil

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Prime Spot!!!


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