Six people were killed after a five-story building collapsed in India on Monday. The bodies of three men and two women were recovered today, while one deceased was found yesterday.
Police in the town of Mahad, 50 km’s south of Mumbai, said the collapsed building comprised of 47 flats. The cause of the collapse is yet unknown. About 30 people were rescued from the rubble by search teams and local residents on Monday. A four-year-old boy was rescued alive from the scene as well. Of the rescued people, one man later died of a heart attack.
According to CNN, the third, fourth and fifth floors collapsed at about 6:30 pm on Monday. State and federal first responders are using specially trained dogs to help dig through the remains of the structure and believe that it’s possible survivors still remain. They are hopeful, that air pockets in the parking lot and on the first floor will allow people to survive.
Some 70 of the 97 residents managed to escape. Residents told emergency workers that when they ran out of the building, the pillars in the parking lot were “still vibrating.” This has raised hopes that the first floor might be intact, but that responders can’t see it under the debris.
Although India’s monsoon rains may have resulted in the building collapse, authorities appear to be investigating negligence. An initial police report has been filed against five people for culpable homicide. Included is the the contractor whose company built the building. However, no arrests have been made.
Umm Muhammed Umar