Signs that you are Over-Thinking

May 23, 2023

We all have times when we worry, whether it’s about work, health, family, relationships or a host of other reasons.

But is there a point when you can think and worry too much?

Overthinking is an unhealthy habit that typically causes more stress by focusing on the negative, dwelling on the past and worrying about the future.

Instead of problem-solving, you ruminate on an issue without coming up with logical solutions. It’s almost like a broken record of negativity that replays repeatedly in your head.

If you’re wondering whether you are overthinking a particular situation or concern, there are a few things you can look for.

Signs of overthinking include:

· An inability to think about anything else

· Being unable to relax

· Constantly feeling worried or anxious

· Fixating on things outside of your control

· Feeling mentally exhausted

· Having a lot of negative thoughts

· Replaying a situation or experience in your mind

· Second-guessing your decisions

· Thinking of all the worst-case scenarios

These are normally the typical behaviours of an over-thinker:

· There’s a running commentary in your head, criticising and picking apart what you said and did yesterday, terrified that you look bad – and fretting about a terrible future that might await you.

· Combing over your decisions, petrified you’ve made the wrong one, or procrastinating over the next one.

· Analysing what your friend or colleague really meant by that throwaway comment or that sideways glance.

· Agonising over what to post in social media, and concerned when other people are having a better time than you, or getting more likes.

· Reading and re-reading texts to work out the true meaning of the message.

· ‘What ifs’ and ‘shoulds’ dominate your thinking, as if an invisible jury is sitting in judgement on your life and finding it wanting?

· Not sleeping well, because all the ruminating and worrying keeps you awake at night.

· Feeling regret and beating yourself up for your perceived inadequacies.

· Resorting to drastic steps in a bid to calm the tyranny of your overthinking brain.

· Unable to be true to yourself because you’re so busy working out what other people need, want and think.


Prime Spot!!!


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