SIDQ (Truthfulness)

July 15, 2009
Allah Ta'ala says: "Verily, the Mu'mineen (Believers) are those who believe in Allah, arid His Rasul. Thereafter they have no doubt and they strive in the Path of Allah with their wealth and their lives. Assuredly, they are the Saadiqoon (the truthful ones)."

The following is narrated in the Hadith Shareef: "Nabi Sallallahu alayhi wasallam passed by Abu Bakr (Radhiyallahu Anhu) while he was cursing some of his slaves. Rasulullah it turned towards him and said: 'People who curse and people who are truthful!" Abu Bakr (Radhiyallahu Anhu) said: ‘I will not repeat it."

The nature of Sidq consists of developing a rank acquired until it attains perfection. The meaning of Sidq is firmness. It is for this reason that a saint who has attained spiritual perfection) is called a Siddeeque. In all Ahwaal (states), Af’aal (acts) and Aqwaal (statements) the Waliyy-Kaamil (Pious person) has been well-grounded. He has realized the state of perfection.

In the Shari'ah (law of Islam), the concept of Sidq includes Af'aal (actions), Aqwaal (statements) and Ahwaal (states and conditions). Sidq in regard to statements is that talk should be firm and true according to reality. One imbued with this quality is called Saadiq-ul Aqwaal.

Sidq in regard to actions is that every act be in conformity with the Command of the Shari'ah and not in conflict with the Shari'ah. One whose acts are at all times in conformity with the Shari'ah is termed Saadiq-ul Af'aal. Sidq in regard to one's state or condition is that all conditions should be in accordance with the Sunnah. Conditions which are in conflict with the Sunnah are false. One whose status is in accordance with the Sunnah is called Saadiq-ul Ahwaal.

The status (Ahwaal) of Sidq are such that their effect is enduring. The influence of the status of Sidq are lasting and dominant. They are not of a temporary nature. This does nor mean that such conditions exist over one perpetually. It is the effect or influence (Asaar) of these status of Sidq which lasts and does not disappear.

The summary of what has been explained is that one should develop the acts of Ebaadah or obedience to the stage of perfection. For example, perform Salaah in such a way that it could be described in the Shari'ah as Salaah-Kaamilah (perfect Salaah), i.e. a Salaah performed observing all the external rules and respects (Aadaab-Zaahirah) and all the internal rules and respects (Aadaab-Baatinah). The same should apply to all other acts of obedience and Ebaadah. They should be rendered in the Kaamil (perfect) way shown by the Shari'ah. The adoption of this way is Sidq.

Sidq is dependant upon the knowledge of the factors which produces perfection. One has, therefore, to be alert at all times and compensate for one's shortcomings. An endeavour is to be made to rectify imperfectly performed obligations. Constancy in improving and perfecting one's acts will ensure within a short while the perfect state of Sidq.


Prime Spot!!!


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