Sheikh Abul Hasan Ali Hasani Nadwi

April 14, 2014





Book Review: “Shaykh Abu al-Hasan Ali Nadwi: His Life & Works”  by Mohammad Akram Nadwi

Reviewed by: Ml. Ashraf Dockrat on Radio Islam – 14 April 2014

No of pages:
approx. (300)

Price: (R100.00)



Target Audience:

Those keen on insights into the life of one of the most influential Muslims of the 20th century or anyone interested in Indian Muslims and the development of Muslim thought during the tumultuous time when India was transitioning itself from colonialism and asserting its own independent identity. Also a good read for those interested in Moulana’s response to groups and movements who did not share his approach to issues of concern to Muslims.

All – however there are many names of texts and references to books, which some readers (if unfamiliar) may need to overcome.


We all know the name of Ml Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi (1914 – 1999) who was deemed honorific by his peers for his intellectual prowess. He held a number of noble institutional positions, titles, and affiliations. In India, he was a rector of Nadwatul Ulama, and president of the Academy of Islamic Research and Publications. He was affectionately known as Ml. Ali Miya. He was born into a scholastic family. He primarily wrote in Arabic, but his books have been translated into Urdu and vice versa. He wrote more than fifty books on history, theology etc.

The biography (translated) aims to cover various aspects of the life and works of Shaykh Abu al-Hasan Ali Nadwi, including the background of Muslims in India and the rest of the Muslim world from a political, intellectual and educational perspective, his life and influences upon his life such as his lineage, birth, upbringing, studies, journeys, teachers and key books.

He took bay’ah to prominent Sheikh, Ml Raipuri. From his youth, Moulana was already engaged in rigorous tazkiyyah. The biography details his learning and writings in all aspects of da’wah and tarbiyah, the journeys he undertook for da’wah and the establishment and mission of Nadwatul Ulama. Moulana Ali Miya was honoured for his contributions even in the Arab world. The biography ends by describing Shaykh Nadwi’s character and death, his physical appearance, common habits, his daily routine and his death.

An afterward by the author expresses the influences of Ml Nadwi and the salient themes of his works, and the influence of his work on the Muslims in India and in the Arab world.

The UK scholar, Ml. Muhammad Akram Nadwi who wrote the book is also popular for his work Al-Muhaddithat on women scholars of Islam.

Published by:
Nadwi Foundation; 1st edition (20 Mar 2013)

Available from: Darul Ihsan (online – sole distributors in SA) or Amazon.



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