By Mumtaz Saley
Radio Islam teamed up with the South African National Women’s forum to deliver the first-ever Youth Conference.
The idea behind the event was to allow young females to find a safe space while bridging the gap between the youth and scholars.
While the event touched on key issues facing the youth today such as gender neutrality & environmental awareness, the teenagers were also given a chance to interact and ask the panel questions which they wanted an Islamic perspective on.
We must understand that it is up to us to allow our youth to have reliable sources and spaces when it comes to their questions on Fiqh, for far too long many had to search through questionable online sources or other non-Islamic opinions which risks leading them further from Islam.
While the day was captured by teenage Muslimahs giving each other advice it was also filled with showcasing the talent of the youth when it comes to recycling materials in the design of creative modest-wear. The simple items we discard on a daily base were used in an innovative way showcasing the talent of the schools around us.
“ I was reluctant to come, but I am glad I did. The youth conference allowed me to be educated on topics such as perfecting one’s deen and taking time out to set realistic goals.” Humaira a fourteen-year-old student had this to add to feed-back on the event.
While the day welcomed girls from all schools in the area one had to admit that Shamshaad Sayed’s talk to the youth is one that stuck in their minds. Shamshad spoke about her grandson who had recently passed away and how he would always have trust in Allah and with that, his message was spread to the youth with always put your trust in Allah. (May Allah grant him high ranks in Jannah ameen.)