Salaah, a regular means of purifying both body and soul

September 27, 2007
by Dr Farida Khanam

There is no word in English to translate Salaah. It is not merely "prayer" in the limited sense of turning to Allah in supplication. The Arabic word for supplication is Dua.

Salaah is performed in a prescribed form. It is preceded by ablutions (Wudhu). The five set prayers have special names and are performed at special times — between dawn and sunrise (Fajr) early after noon (Zuhr), mid-afternoon (‘Asr) sunset (Maghrib) and night (‘Isha’).

Salaah needs to be performed on time. It should not be delayed deliberately. Salaah consists of units or Rakaahs. Each Rakaah consists of the pronouncement of Allahu Akbar (God is Most Great), of the Opening Surah of the Qur’an, of praising and glorifying Allah. All words in the Salaah are always recited in Arabic.

Salaah consists of precise bodily postures — standing, bowing, prostrating and sitting. The posture of Salaah is an indication of one’s relation to one’s Creator — a relation of reverence submission and gratitude.

Salaah sharpens our moral sense. It keeps us from indecent, shameful activities. This is stated in the Qur’an: "Salaah indeed prevents a person from indecency and evil." (29:45).

Salaah is a regular means of purifying both body and soul. The ablution before the Prayer with fresh water acts as a refresher and cleanser. The Salaah if properly performed purifies the soul of arrogance and hypocrisy. The Prophet, peace be on him, likened a person who regularly performed Salaah to a person who washes himself regularly in a stream of clean running water five times a day.

Salaah thus serves as training in cleanliness, purity and punctuality. Salaah brings mental satisfaction and emotional fulfillment.


Prime Spot!!!


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