Sabreen’s Ramadhaan Diary Episode 13

May 20, 2019


By Mumtaz Moosa Saley

Everyone seems to be in a bad mood and the worst of sins is if you forgot to return a Tupperware container! The masajid seem to have lost their appeal as the rows seem to be less than when Ramadhaan started and samoosas are no longer in demand. Signs that we’re in the middle of the blessed month.

Mohammed is exhausted. Between school, madrassa and extracurricular activities, the poor child is shouldering his fair share and with all, I have to do, I find myself losing my patience with him as he tries to keep up.

The most trying times is when teaching him his madrassa lessons. I promised myself that I would be full of love and understanding when teaching him. Just as I was about to lose my cool, Uncle Abdul walked into the room. Sussing out the situation, he gently took over allowing me to settle my frustrated nerves. He was becoming an invaluable part of the family especially with keeping the children in check.

Uncle Abdul walked into the kitchen whilst I was in the midst of preparing the evening meal. He seemed to want to say something but seem to be holding back for some reason. He asked if he could lend a hand and took over peeling the potatoes I had left on the counter.

Very soon he began chatting about food and other mundane topics and eventually he got to what was on his chest.

“You know Sabreen, Ahmed struggled with his lessons just like Mohamed does but I learnt that the best way to teach our children is to allow them to feel the Deen, to understand it. And I know it can be difficult but children learn by watching and imitating, by being taught with patience and I understand that it can be frustrating but it is very necessary.” “You’re a good mother. Lead your children as Ebrahim (AS) did, including them in the activities he was doing, nurturing and guiding them. Remember, a habit can only become a habit when it is implemented and practised over and over again.”

He smiled at me and told me he would take Mohammed to madrassa as he has some work to do at the mosque. Uncle Abdul is a treasure in the family and his words are always filled with such great reminders of Allah.

Allah is Ar–Rahman, His mercy and kindness bestowed upon us should spur us on to spread kindness and show mercy to all. After all, His kindness is sending Uncle Abdul to us and His mercy, well, Uncle Abdul has us to come home to, alhamdulillah.

Thinking about Uncle Abdul’s naseeha, I realised that a family that prays together stays together so pray with your children no matter how little they are, they will follow, show them the beauty of Islam so they learn to love being Muslim.


Prime Spot!!!


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