November 21, 2007
From Hayaatul Muslemeen
By Ml Ashraf Ali Thanwi RA
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alyhi wa Sallam’s deep love for his Ummah caused him to always call out in Duaa. The revolution of the Ummah in relation to this cry does not have for its goal worldly revolution. Thus the term 'revolution' must not be understood in the context of worldly change and revolution. Although a discussion regarding the mundane revolution of the Ummah is not futile, nevertheless, the dimension of change falling within the purview of our discussion here is Deeni Revolution. The change or revolution which is the aim and goal of Islam has no affinity and no relationship with the kind of mundane changes which have overtaken the Ummah.

It is indeed fortunate that the 'revolution' of rejection has not yet overtaken the Ummah. Beliefs are not outrightedly rejected although some changes have taken place under the cover of the Deen. In a conflict between a Deeni demand and the Nafs, the latter asserts its domination. For example: the commission of fornication; living together as man and wife despite having administered three Talaaq.

This condition of neglect, indifference and omission regarding the second constituent part of Deen applies to all.

O Muslims! You are again being warned of your condition of degradation. You have to be alert. You must awaken from your slumber. If even now you fail to wake up, then may Allah help! If you have realised your fallen state — your fall from the pedestal of glory — then have you not realised that its reformation and its restoration to its former lofty state are incumbent upon you? If it is incumbent — in other words, if indeed you do acknowledge this incumbency — then what are you waiting for? When will you commence with your spiritual reformation which will bring about your restoration to your proper pedestal of glory? Are you awaiting some obstacle, some incapacitating disease or death or some new Wahi (revelation)? For a certainty, there is no hope of any new Wahi coming. The Qur'aan therefore asks you: “Then, which revelation after it (Qur'aan) will they believe?”

Obstacles and diseases which will render you helpless are not impossible. But Maut (death) is a certainty. If you are then awaiting the certainty of Maut, what do you think you will then achieve?

O Muslims! Regarding this very 'revolution' which the Ummah has undergone and is still undergoing in this age, Rasulullah (saws) predicted: “Humankind is like a hundred camels among which you cannot find mount (i.e. one worthy of riding). And, Allah knows best and He is the One to grant Taufeeq.


Prime Spot!!!


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