April 06, 2009
Umar bin Al-Khattab (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: I sought permission of the Prophet Sallallahu Alyhi Wa Sallam to perform `Umrah. He granted me leave and said, "Dear brother! Do not forget us in your supplications". (`Umar added): This is something I would not exchange for the whole world.

Another narration is: He Sallallahu Alyhi Wa Sallam said, "Include us, my dear brother, in your supplications.'' [Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi.

Commentary: It is Mustahab (desirable) to request such a person for prayer who is proceeding on a journey, especially one who is going with the intention of Hajj or `Umrah. The reason being:
1. Prayer for someone in his absence is imbued with sincerity.
2. The places a pilgrim visits in the course of Umrah and Hajj are such that prayers made there are accepted by Allah.
3. It is also Mustahab that during the course of Umrah and Hajj when a pilgrim supplicates on special sites and occasions, he should not pray for himself alone but also include his relatives and friends in his supplications.
4. The act of praying for others goes to prove the eminence of religious fraternity of the Muslims. The Prophet Sallallahu Alyhi Wa Sallam is the spiritual father of the entire Muslim community, and is the most superior in nobility and excellence in the whole universe, but in respect of Faith, he is also a brother of all the Muslims and all the Muslims are his brothers. It is illustrated by the fact that he called `Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) his brother.


Prime Spot!!!


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