Remedies for morning sickness 

January 21, 2016


Pregnancy is an absolutely amazing experience…..

One of the worst experiences during pregnancy is morning sicknesses…

Approximately 70 percent of women experience nausea early in pregnancy and about 50 percent experience vomiting. It’s very, very common, but it’s also incredibly varied .lots of people are sick all day, some are sick mostly in the evening, and others are sick if they haven’t gotten enough sleep. Morning sickness can start as early as six weeks into pregnancy and tends to peak around the eighth and ninth weeks,

Morning sickness is usually the worst between the 6th and 12th weeks of pregnancy, but in some can last longer and throughout entire pregnancy.
There are certain things you can do or avoid to reduce the frequency and severity of morning sickness. For example:

• avoid having an empty stomach.
• Eat frequent meals but with small portions.
• Stay away from fried and fatty foods.
• Don’t mix solids and liquids since this can cause bloating and acid reflux and aggravate nausea. Having them separately can be helpful.
• Get plenty of rest.
• Keep yourself well hydrated at all times.


You might also like to try the following home remedies for morning sickness.

• Drink a cup of ginger tea in the morning. If you are not much into tea, you can try taking ginger supplements. One study even suggested that ginger is better than vitamin B6 in relieving nausea and decreasing vomiting episodes. Ginger is safe during pregnancy, but evidence is insufficient regarding the maximum safe dosage of ginger, consequence of over-dosage, and whether it might interact with any drug you may be taking. So, don’t overdo it.

• Lemon inhalation therapy in which you just inhale the scent of lemon is another simple way of dealing with morning sickness. Scent of a lemon can effectively reduce nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, say researchers from University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran. They found that the nausea and vomiting intensity significantly reduced from the second day of therapy and improved further on day 4 of their experiment. This is a perfectly harmless therapy, so use it as many times as you feel the need.

• Raspberry leaf tea is another way to fight the nausea and vomiting. It not only reduces morning sickness, it also prepares the uterus for birth by relaxing the smooth muscles of the uterus. Scientists say 1.5 to 2.4g of tea leaf per day is safe. However, many studies have reported raspberry leaf tea to be harmful during pregnancy. So, talk to your doctor if you are planning to use the tea for reducing morning sickness.

• Chew some fennel seeds (saunf) whenever you feel queasy. This simple home remedy not only relieves nausea associated with morning sickness, but also helps with digestion.

• You can try nibbling on dry biscuits or some light snack, such as a toast, immediately after waking up to ease your morning sickness.

• You also might find it helpful to eat fruit bars or fresh fruits. This will also help you replenish the lost nutrients.

• Aromatherapy with chamomile oil or peppermint oil too is advised by some for reducing morning sickness. However, scientific evidence reported no significant benefits with their use for nausea and vomiting in pregnancy.

Try having a cup of ginger tea to soothe your stomach. This spicy herb is also used to ease motion sickness. Whenever you feel queasy, sip some hot ginger tea.

There are also several herbal teas that are known to reduce nausea. Try sipping herbal teas made with chamomile, lemon balm and peppermint. If you have heartburn, avoid peppermint tea.

Another helpful ingredient to combat morning sickness is red raspberry-leaf tea. The herb not only eases symptoms of morning sickness, but is also known to relax the smooth muscles of the uterus. Some studies, however, say that raspberry leaves may cause uterine contractions — check with your doctor beforehand whether you can have it.

Try having a cup of flat, room-temperature ginger ale. Surprisingly, this helps pregnant women feel better. However, ensure that you avoid ginger ale with fizz because that would increase the production of more stomach acid.

Keep some fennel seeds near your bed side and chew on them whenever you feel queasy.

Experts also say that women who take 25 milligrams of vitamin B6 thrice daily for three days had reduced nausea and vomiting. However, check with your gynaecologist before popping any pill.

Another simple solution is to drink a glass of water every hour. Even if you wake up during the night to visit the bathroom, have a glass of water. This will keep you hydrated. When your urine is clear, it means you are having enough water.

Stack up fruit-bars in your freezer. They will help replace the sugars you have lost by throwing up.

Sniff a slice of lemon. You could also drink water with a few drops of lemon.

Some women reportedly feel good when they wake up and immediately eat a small snack. Keep some biscuits next to your bed, so that you can reach out to them as soon as you wake up.

Avoid eating three large meals every day. Instead, eat several small meals throughout the day. Smaller meals are easier to keep down and easier to digest.

Stay away from fried, fatty foods, which can encourage nausea.

Read more:

Home Remedies for Morning Sickness 




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