The Almighty Creator created this universe with His knowledge and wisdom and created in it all that exists of the angels, men, jinn, animals, plants and other things which none but He knows. He created all these for a single purpose that all acts of worship should be solely His, that all these beings should affirm His Lordship and actualise all acts of worship for Him alone; and that they should admit their helpless, submission and their need for Him alone. Hence, the actualisation of worship for Allaah alone cannot be properly achieved except by obeying Him and standing firm on the right path that the religion may be Allaah's, that judgement may be His and that all calls may be to Him. This duty can be carried out only by those whom Allaah has made successors in and inhabitants of the earth and that cannot be achieved by man except through words of the tongue, deeds of the heart and the limbs. Also, real act of worship cannot be actualised in the best form except by completely and absolutely surrendering and submitting to Allaah with utmost love for Him. Therefore, the best man in actualizing worship to Allaah is the best in submission and surrender to Him. Worship in essence, is the religion and the only acceptable religion before Allaah is Islaam.
"And whoever seeks a religion other than Islaam, never will it be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter, he will be among the losers." (3:85)
This is the purpose of creating the creation. Allaah also says,
'And I created not the jinn and mankind except that they may worship me." (51:56)
He also says,
"Did you think that We created you in play (without any purpose) and that you would not be brought back to Us?" (23:115)
He says, while rebuking a group of mankind who were heedless of the lessons inherent in the universe around them,
"And how many a sign in the heaven and the earth they pass by, while they are averse thereof. And most of them believe not in Allaah except that they attribute partners unto Him." (12:105-106)
Subhaan Allaah! Do they not see the illuminating stars, and the revolving orbits which all are subjected to the Command of Allaah? How many are adjacent places, gardens, mountains, seas and waves that are on the earth, yet they ascribe daughters to Allaah and worship others beside Him. Glory be to the One God Who created all the creations.
In view of this, the wise person will be highly surprised to see the matters of this universe turning upside down and see man turning away from worshipping Allaah Who created him and being occupied with this finite world, after Allaah has honoured him, made him travel in the land and in the sea, favoured him above many of His creatures, and endowed him with many blessings. With all this, yet man is arrogant, disbelieves, misbehaves, is stingy and argues. Allaah says about him in this situation,
"Verily, man is indeed an extreme wrong-doer." (13 :34)
"And man is ever miserly!" (17:100)
"But man is ever more quarrelsome than anything." (18:54)
"Nay! Verily, man does transgress (in disbelief and evil deeds), because he considers himself self-sufficient." (96:6-7)
What is however suitable for this man who has been endowed with the above great favours is to be an obedient servant of his Lord not an arrogant rebel, to be grateful and righteous and not ingrate wrong-doer. When one ponders over many of the creatures in this universe one will realise that, there is no creature who is given the like of attention that man is given.
Rather, all things are made subservient to man. Allaah says,
"And He has subjected to you all that is in the earth; It is all as a favour and kindness from Him." (45 :13)
He even subjected the angels for the service of man. He made some of them record their deeds, some protect them from their front and rear; they protect them from the Commands of Allaah; some are subjected to sending wind and rain. Likewise, Allaah makes among their major duties, seeking for forgiveness for men. He says,
"And the angels glorify the praises of their Lord, and ask for forgiveness for those on the earth." (42:5)
In spite of all this, all these creatures perfect their worship except man. They perfected their submission to Him and their subjection to His Might save some creatures like devils, some sinful jinn and some animals like gecko about which the Prophet, Salallaahu alayhe wa salam, said,
"Kill gecko, for it blew fire on our father Ibraahim" (Ahmad)
However, these creatures are less sinful than man; for it was among men the one who said, "I am your highest Lord" , there was among men those who say "Allaah is Jesus son of Mary" , and that "Allaah is the third of three gods" and those who say, "Appoint for us a god as they also have a god", and those who say "Allaah is poor and we are rich" and similar words of blasphemy. This is how man transgresses to the extent that we hear those who say that religion should be separated from state, that there should be no religion in politics and politics in religion; there are also some who say that, "religion is for God and the nation is for all" or "leave what is Caesar's for Caesar and what is God's for God" or those who describe religion as backwardness and Islamic legal punishments as barbarism or describe Islam as a restriction on woman and unjust to her or believe that her freedom lies in her revolt against the limits of her Lord and her proclamation of her disobedience to His Law, thereby making her an object of theft for every thief and wrong-doer and making her body an object of temptation and commerce.
Those are some of the sayings of man. Compare this to the stance of the accursed Satan as narrated to us by our Lord in His Book; did he say anything as grievous as what man says? Did he say more than that he would mislead the children of آdam and saw his race as superior to that of man and failed to prostrate for the one who was created out of clay. He even told some men,
"Verily, I see what you see not. Verily, I fear Allaah, for Allaah is severe in punishment." (8:48)
How great is the transgression of man, his arrogance and evil plot!
"But the evil plot encompasses only him who makes it. Then can they expect anything (else) but the sunnah (way of dealing) of the people of old? So, no change will you find in Allaah's Sunnah and no turning off will you find in Allaah's Sunnah" (35 :43)
Almighty Allaah emphasizes the reality of man's disobedience among other creatures and his disdain from worshipping Allah who created him,
"See you not that whoever is in the heavens and the earth, and the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the trees and all living moving creatures, and many of mankind prostrate themselves to Allaah. But there are many men on whom the punishment is justified. And whosoever Allaah disgraces, none can honour him. Verily, Allaah does what He wills." (22:18)
This verse indicates that most men are disobedient to their Lord, disdainful and erring.
Fellow Muslims! In order to reach a common goal, that is to worship Allaah alone, and in order to know that there are negligent and disdainful ones among us, and to make note that anyone who does a righteous deed among us feels big by that and convince himself and his society that he lives in serenity, uprightness and guidance and that he has carried out his obligation, therefore, he needs not to improve; in order that, we may belittle our deeds, however righteous they may be, it is better that we give examples on some of the creatures of Allaah and in the course of that know the wide gap between their worship and obedience to Allaah and that of us human beings.
Among that is the religious zeal that Allaah has created in non-living things when man wants to violate the thing which Allaah has made sacred. In the hadith, a corpse was carried past the Messenger of Allaah, Salallaahu alayhe wa salam, and he said, "Going to rest and giving rest to others" He was asked, "What is going to rest and what is giving rest to others?" The Prophet, Salallaahu alayhe wa salam, said, "When a believing slave dies, he goes to rest from hardship of this world and its harm into the mercy of Allaah; but when the sinful slave dies, all men, the land, the tree and all living animals are relieved." (Al-Bukhaari)
See how the tree and moving animals get hurt by a sinful man and the corruption, destruction and flagrant disobedience that he causes on the earth whose repercussion does not affect the man alone.
Conversely, some living animals get elated by man's religiosity and its blessing on the earth, hence they supplicate for him and ask Allaah to forgive him. The Prophet, Salallaahu alayhe wa salam, said,
"Indeed, Allaah and His angels, and all the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth, even the ants in her hole and the whale, do invoke blessing on the man who teaches good to people."
The moving animals even become afraid of the Day of Resurrection because of its horror. The Messenger of Allaah, Salallaahu alayhe wa salam, said,
"Every moving living animal listens attentively every Friday out of fear of the Day of Resurrection." (Ahmad)
There is even a report about the cock's worship and call to good. The Messenger of Allaah, Salallaahu alayhe wa salam, said,
"Do not abuse the cock for it calls to prayer" (Ahmad).
He also said about the horse,
"At every dawn, each Arabian horse is permitted to make a supplication saying: 'O Allaah!! You have subjected me to whom you wish among men, so make me one of his dearest household and properties.' It would then be said: 'The invocation of this horse has been answered.' '(Ahmad)
As for the ants; they are one of the nations that glorify Allaah in spite of their smallness and man's disdain for them. Allaah said about them,
"Till when they (Sulaymaan an his hosts) came to the valley of the ants, one of the ants said: O ants! Enter your dwellings, lest Sulaymaan and his hosts should crush you while they perceive not." (27:18)
The Prophet, Salallaahu alayhe wa salam, said about it, "An ant bit one of the Prophets of Allaah and that Prophet ordered the ants village to be burnt. Allaah then revealed to him, i˜Was it because of the bite of an ant that you ordered a whole nation that glorified Allaah to be burnt?!'" As for the tree, Allaah says about it,
"And the stones and trees both prostrate themselves to Allaah" (55:6)
The Prophet, Salallaahu alayhe wa salam, said, "There is not any pilgrim who makes the talbiyah except that it makes it with Him from his right and left every rock, tree or clay."As for rocks and the trees' friendship to the believers, that shows the depth of their worship to Allaah and their enthusiasm for His religion, the Prophet, Salallaahu alayhe wa salam, said, "The Hour will not come until Muslims shall fight the Jews and kill them. When a Jew hides behind a rock or tree, that rock or tree will say, 'O you Muslim, O you slave of Allaah, here is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.' " (Al-Bukhaari) Fellow Muslims! See how these afore-mentioned creatures and others worship Allaah and glorify Him. See how the mountains fall out of fear of Allaah. See how it refused to carry the trust for the fear of her Lord. See how it crushed to pieces when our Lord showed Himself to Musaa. Allaah also informed us that if the Qur'aan had been revealed on it, it would have fell asunder out of fear of Allaah. It is therefore very surprising that man whose heart is just a lump of flesh can be harder when hearing the words of Allaah, and remains arrogant as if he has not heard it and will not be soft for the recited signs of Allaah. But Allaah says the truth when He says,
"Have they not travelled through the land, and have they hearts wherewith they understand and ears wherewith to hear? Verily it is not the eyes that go blind but the hearts which are in the breasts that go blind." (22:46)
Brethren in faith! A wolf made a surprising statement at the time of the Prophet, Salallaahu alayhe wa salam, which indicated that it believed that provision comes only from Allaah. Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri narrated, "A wolf attacked a goat and took it. The shepherd then followed that wolf until he snatched the goat from him. The wolf then said, i˜Won't you fear Allaah? You are taking away from me a provision that Allaah has sent to me?' The shepherd said, i˜What a wonder! A wolf addressing me with the language of men!' The wolf then told him, i˜Should I not tell you of what is more wonderful than that? There is Muhammad in Yathrib, telling people news of the past.' In another narration by Bukhaari: People said, "Glory be to Allaah, a wolf speaks?" The Prophet,Salallaahu alayhe wa salam said, "I believe that, so do Abu Bakr and Umar." Fear Allaah, dear Muslims! Give Allaah His due estimation. Feel the impact of the worship of non-living things, the plants and the animals though they are lesser than you as regards favour of Allaah. Know that you are negligent in your obedience to Allaah however much you try and that you are unjust however just and perfect you claim to be. For, mankind's farness from knowing the reality, their lack of certainty on the Commandments and prohibitions and lack of overriding their lusts; all these need a greater struggle more than that of other creatures who glorify Allaah and obey Him.
Fellow Muslims! Recognise the honour given to man by making him successor on the earth. Protect this jewel with real obedience to Allaah. Keep away from sins and negligence, and beware lest the sins lead you to destruction,
"Thus it is, and whoever honours the symbols of Allaah, then it is truly from the piety of the hearts." (22:32)
"But none is granted it except those who are patient and none is granted it the owner of the great portion (of happiness in the Hereafter)." (41:35)
The more one humbles himself before and shows his total submission to Allaah, the more he is honoured. And the happiest of men is the greatest in actualising the worship for Allaah. The Prophet, Salallaahu alayhe wa salam, said, "Allaah says, 'O son of آdam, devote yourself for My worship, I will fill your heart with wealth and remove your poverty but if you do not do that, I will fill your heart with occupation and I will not remove your poverty.' '(Ibn Maajah)